Unban Appeal for Kieron Orion
In-game Name: kieron 7722
Server: Discord
Steam ID: 76561198123656004
Ban ID: N/A
Reason given for your ban: N/A
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for my discord getting hacked
Why should we unban you ?: i have full...
Report a player
Your In-game Name: Kieron Orion
Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Rocky balboa
Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life
Date of the incident: 03/27/21
Time of the incident (GMT): 2116
What best describes this incident ?: (1.2) (6.1.3)
Please (in...
but what i dont get is why would me being in the zone on the rock be a problem and how is that giving me a advantage you could have killed me from so many other places
i told kai that you was dead and that you were vdmed by your ifrit thats what i said but the reason i have my own mic muted is so you dont hear my kid in the back ground and my other half working from home.
look you decapmed from a ifrit and then then got rammed but how did he know that you decamped so he hit you and then you vdmed by your own ifrit and i dont need to name him if staff want to see a vid of my side then i will post it to them
he went off teamspeak i was looking for him but could not find him and i also sent this clip to gold command but i thought i would put a report up as seen there was a rule break that took place