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Recent content by KenzoLowry

  1. KenzoLowry

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    I would love to see an addition to the bin job where you have to empty the bins bag from the back of the vehicle at a landfill/recycling centre in another location before returning to the depot to pick up another route , this would save the overcrowding with people trying to unload while people...
  2. KenzoLowry

    GTA RP - fuel being emptied from vehicles when performing upgrades

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Kenzo Lowry Steam ID: 76561198169290620 Date: May 22, 2024 Time: 21:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: fuel being emptied from vehicles when performing upgrades Provide a full description of the bug: recently I have found that vehicles are being...
  3. KenzoLowry

    Webhook for mechanic shops

    I understand Thank you
  4. KenzoLowry

    Webhook for mechanic shops

    would it be possible to get a webhook set up for the mechanic shops within the city so owners can track stock that comes in and out of the till? I know that tills within shops do have this ability as with NHS/FIRE/POLICE/G6 and Rangers lockers a way to see what is going in/out and who by and a...
  5. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - 312 - GTA RP

    hello hope your okay today  unfortunately I do not have any footage as I only clip in 5 mins intervals but this man had no interaction prior to this happening and was not involved in any roleplay and he stumbled upon me as I was down on the pavement and then dumped for no reason.  
  6. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - 312 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kenzo Lowry Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 312 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 01/15/24 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1935 What best describes this incident ?: Poor RP Please (in...
  7. KenzoLowry

    Bench trial jury duty

    I made this suggestion so people could get involved with court proceeding without having to have a solicitor characters as i feel its very limited to who can roleplay. you also mention that you don't trust people but there could possibly be procedure put in place for conflict of interest as...
  8. KenzoLowry

    Bench trial jury duty

    After a recent scenario where a few of us on our old people characters attended a bench trial and seeing the work that has been done on a new courtroom/city hall a few of us think that having the chance to be selected for jury duty would make for great roleplay and bring the courts more active...
  9. KenzoLowry

    Oracle STD A

    Just enquiring when this will be reviewed? Thanks 
  10. KenzoLowry


    A suggestion I would like to make is there should be an insurance company so you have to pay insurance on your car to bring your vehicle back by paying a lump sum rather than waiting till storm for vehicle. I personally feel this would benefit the whole city because there is nothing more...
  11. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - lamar alaseer kenzo lowry - GTA RP

    We could have sorted this in OOC rather than in Rp 
  12. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - lamar alaseer kenzo lowry - GTA RP

    I was not aware of the messages as I can only have 1 screen which I had the game open and there was a whole surveillance operation before and after storm on the hillside at the ranger station and the house looking over aswell as we thought you would show up (unfortunately I don’t have footage of...
  13. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - NO ID AVAILABLE - GTA RP

    We have spoken in discord and resolved the situation no need to progress further 
  14. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - NO ID AVAILABLE - GTA RP

    yeah im happy to have a chat on discord let me know when you are free
  15. KenzoLowry

    Report a player - NO ID AVAILABLE - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kenzo lowry Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: NO ID AVAILABLE Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 05/14/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1248 What best describes this incident ?: RDM...