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Recent content by K A I

  1. K A I

    Jaegarn remembrance post

    Jaegarn, Jimmy, It was a pleasure knowing you. Thank you for the years we spent together pretending to be cops on the internet, you was one of my online boys and ill never forget you. I'll forever appreciate you taking the time to message me also thanking myself for our time together, just 2...
  2. K A I

    Inspiring the youngers [ATTACH]

    Inspiring the youngers
  3. K A I

    yes moves of a tortoise

    yes moves of a tortoise
  4. K A I

    Easy pickings 😉 

    Easy pickings 😉 
  5. K A I

    Happy Birthday @GREENYcant believe you hit the big 50 today top lad hope u have the best day my...

    Happy Birthday @GREENYcant believe you hit the big 50 today top lad hope u have the best day my son🎂🥳
  6. K A I

    Compensation Request - SI Kai - Malden Life

    Compensation Request In-game Name: K A I Game: Malden Life Steam ID: 76561198124347973 The date when this happened: 07/29/01 Please provide full detail and evidence: Tried to Launder 3 Drug Boxes but couldn't as there was a error with the coding I believe. It says that there isn't...
  7. K A I

    bye bye

    @Shai how have i only just seen this been wondering where you been best of luck homie always around for a text. Another lost soul just like his foreskin looool (he’s actually Jewish) miss you man
  8. K A I

    Report a player - Basil Bellgrove - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: K A I Atlas Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Basil Bellgrove Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 13/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1630 What best describes this incident ?: 1.4 Exploiting Please (in...
  9. K A I

    Melee actually being effective

    Scenarios, where fighting is a outcome, without auto lock are not fun at all. You would quite simply have to be skilled in the first place to be able to dodge incoming attacks. I beg the next time you get in a heated scenario, if they don’t have a firearm, use your fists or a flip knife and see...
  10. K A I

    Melee actually being effective

    I believe removing the lock on for melee battles was a bad choice. It has massively removed the ability for the lower economy individuals to defend themselves and even roleplay on the server completely. I have witnessed multiple melee fights where they have been trying to hit each other and I...
  11. K A I


  12. K A I

    Report a Player - KAIFATTITS (Rule 2.2) & Masked Player (Rule 3.5) - RDM

    Initiation must be made for friends and allies. You clearly stated you killed a guy after you wanted "serious roleplay" after the guy told you multiple times that he had friends and allies in the area that would harm you if you hurt him. You killed him, i arrive and shoot everyone with WEAPONS...
  13. K A I

    Report a Player - K A I F A T T I T S - RDM

     All am gonna say is they shot Hapi and they got shot back. Hapi did initiate for friends and allies. As much as they claim they "Werent involved" this video shows they were. "I Killed a guy on the roof, and now some random guy started shooting all of us" I've copied and pased my reply as...
  14. K A I

    Report a Player - K A I F A T T I S - RDM

     All am gonna say is they shot Hapi and they got shot back. Hapi did initiate for friends and allies. As much as they claim they "Werent involved" this video shows they were. "I Killed a guy on the roof, and now some random guy started shooting all of us" Im copying and pasting this across...
  15. K A I

    Report a Player - KAIFATTITS (Rule 2.2) & Masked Player (Rule 3.5) - RDM

    All am gonna say is they shot Hapi and they got shot back. Hapi did initiate for friends and allies. As much as they claim they "Werent involved" this video shows they were. "I Killed a guy on the roof, and now some random guy started shooting all of us"