I have just watched the video again and I quote 3:57 on the video, I said "Mate, same goes for your friends." Which clearly shows me initiating for you and your other pal your beside too.
You are very wrong about the blackmailing nobody was trying blackmail you we were literally trying to...
To add to what Berry Hill said- He had died at Rebel FOB when they had stolen his helicopter, however me and Mr-Tickle hadn't so I remembered what they had looked like and that they stole Berry's helicopter, meaning me and Mr-Tickle (our other teammate) were able to track the helicopter and...
No, I personally didn't take any offence to it but at this day and age people could have.
Paki is a racial slur typically used towards the Pakistani people.
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Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
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We were at...
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
CODY and Roua
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident
Me and...
Well, you were telling the medic not to pick me up, then my mate was like nah get him up, and somehow you knew my friend so you let the medic get me. However you started lock-picking my Orca with the weed in it. And Poseidon had to tell you to stop. So I don't know man.
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident
So I was at...