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Recent content by Jefke V

  1. Jefke V

    Jaegarn remembrance post

    Spent couple years with you in the unmc always up for a joke and a laugh. afterwards we spent some time in the cops. CSI of kavala chief of hobo town. You will be missed, i recently started playing arma again with couple people, You have no idea how its taking us back to the past, there goes...
  2. Jefke V

    My man, You probs wont read this anymore. They say Grown people dont cry, But man did i cry...

    My man, You probs wont read this anymore. They say Grown people dont cry, But man did i cry hearing you left us! But know we had so many fun moments, Playing till late in the night. we havent spoke for years all went back to actual life. but man wish we could play one more time. You will be...
  3. Jefke V

    Show job on Licence or create a licence card

    Yeah i do understand that, it will take some to make it, i just raised this as its a hassle to id ourselfs now 
  4. Jefke V

    Show job on Licence or create a licence card

    it used to say what job you had on the licence, For most jobs it doe snot really matter.  but for a solicitor this does matter, yes there are ways to check it with the law book and validate the name.  However there might be times your not near a law book, Its abit a hassle to proof your a...
  5. Jefke V

    does not show job on licence anymore

    Steam ID: 76561197987918167 Character ID: 80411 When did this happen: 03/06/23 Summary: does not show job on licence anymore Full Description: So before the update with the drivers licence being add to ID. it just to say what job you had, Now it does not anymore. not sure if this is a bug...
  6. Jefke V

    Report a player - 879 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Alessandro Peeters Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 879 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 03/26/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 145 What best describes this incident ?: (C1.2)...
  7. Jefke V

    Report a player - 65 - GTA RP

    It was 10:30 in the morning yeah no i have not liased with them, Cause they are clearly thinking what theya re doing is good roleplay.  So not going to sit there going back and forth for 30 minuts to come to the same result. 
  8. Jefke V

    Report a player - 65 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Tyler Jones Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 65 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/08/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1030 What best describes this incident ?: (G1.2) Random Death...
  9. Jefke V

    Happy Bithday! enjoy it!

    Happy Bithday! enjoy it!
  10. Jefke V

    Is this acceptable rp

     im just guiding him, What his options are. thats why i put the report guide in it. 
  11. Jefke V

    Is this acceptable rp

    The best you can do, is try to speak to the person if you feel the rp was not good, Secondly to get a actual response from the right people, its best to actually report it. https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/Guide:Report_a_Player above you will find the guidelines for making a report.  this will be...
  12. Jefke V

    Unban Appeal - Emby - GTA RP

    is there a reason youre not  mentioning the attempt to evade the ban? 
  13. Jefke V

    Unban Appeal - Liam Black - GTA RP

    So why trying to dig yourself a hole of lies?  instead of being honest from the beginning?  keep in mind, us compensating  are carried out on a goodwill basis by our voluntary staff in due course
  14. Jefke V

    Unban Appeal - Big Boom - GTA RP

    So was this a one time thing you did ? 
  15. Jefke V

    Unban Appeal - billybob joe - GTA RP

    So you think it is fair to call other people names?    So its okey to say such things, if nobody gets offended? 