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Recent content by icarus

  1. icarus

    Icarus out

    Will do! I thought so too, but I am just too saturated with Arma 3, little free time with the kids around now too. (and another daughter coming this November ) I'll definitely see you around!
  2. icarus

    Icarus out

    Thanks for a good couple of years lads! I'm out, stay safe 🙂
  3. icarus

    Eldarkmagic - leaving

    Good times having you around! Good luck in your future!
  4. icarus


    I have been in the UNMC for quite some time. We have had our ups and downs, but I loved every second of it!  From being bombarded with the armed blackfish in the redzone and hunting for the Ghosthawk with MX-SW’s on benches, to checkpoint control and amazing roleplay with all factions: You will...
  5. icarus

    Is there possibility to drive AAN van without DLC?

    Well you can get into the go-kart using the windows key, don't see why it can't be added to the vans as well.
  6. icarus

    Staticz's Farewell for the time being

    The best of luck to you man! Remember that not giving a shit what other people think is the best way to get through life. I'll keep referring to people who join a ts channel shouting random shit to "pulling a Staticz"
  7. icarus

    See You Later Alligators

    It has been a blast having you! Hope to see you back in future!
  8. icarus

    If you are fishing for a promotion you best use airborne tags as bait!

    If you are fishing for a promotion you best use airborne tags as bait!
  9. icarus

    New police interceptor

    I am quite the connoisseur of vehicles with blue lights, amazing tractor! What a find!
  10. icarus

    Houston's Goodbye

    Thank you for your time with us in the UNMC! See you around!
  11. icarus

    House price 50% sale

    Yup, the sale is only for vehicles and gear.
  12. icarus

    Gretalian Elio

  13. icarus

    Helicopter 3rd Person

    Your can still look around, but the camera is locked to the pitch of the airframe. Besides that there is some horrible camera smoothing that feels really clunky. I hope BI rolls back the old system soon. It does work fairly well with jest at least...
  14. icarus

    Fratsen - Drinkebroer

  15. icarus

    ATC announcement

    Yes, when they are shooting at your helicopter (not warning shots) you are good to shoot back.