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Recent content by Henry Atlas

  1. Henry Atlas

    @GREENY 22 grown men kicking a bag of wind around a field doesn't do anything for me my dude 😉

    @GREENY 22 grown men kicking a bag of wind around a field doesn't do anything for me my dude 😉
  2. Henry Atlas

    Pretty much tbh there are characters in the second that carry over from the first but u can skip...

    Pretty much tbh there are characters in the second that carry over from the first but u can skip the first season it's pretty trash,I put the second series on to give it a chance and honestly very impressed.The writer has 100% visited Cherno before and tried to rob someone of their beans 😛 
  3. Henry Atlas

    Anyone else watching Black summer on netflix? I thought the first season was a bit meh, But this...

    Anyone else watching Black summer on netflix? I thought the first season was a bit meh, But this one is literally like watching a live action dayz. Worth a watch if you like your zomboid content.
  4. Henry Atlas

    @Bowen  I'm offended...

    @Bowen  I'm offended...
  5. Henry Atlas

    GG young blood!

    GG young blood!
  6. Henry Atlas

    Goodbye fuck you all <3 [Don't remove cos I said "Fuck you all" I meant it in a nice way

    Fuck off then don't let the door hit you on the way out.. hope you fall in a gravel pit.😗
  7. Henry Atlas

     Henlo Fren. 

     Henlo Fren. 
  8. Henry Atlas

    Police/Posideon and Rebels

    Perhaps maybe instead of tracering said helicopter and then immediately shooting at it with .50cal before giving it a chance to leave or land you should give the pilot time to react. This I'm guessing is a direct result of what has happened to you tonight. I would also point out that in the...
  9. Henry Atlas

    @GREENY Vinyl or go home tbh.It'll prob be terribad and I'll miss matches every track but it'll...

    @GREENY Vinyl or go home tbh.It'll prob be terribad and I'll miss matches every track but it'll be a laugh.No requests though as I've only got about 40 12"s but I'll see what I can come up with.
  10. Henry Atlas

    So I pulled my old Technics 1210's and mixing deck out of the loft the other day new needles...

    So I pulled my old Technics 1210's and mixing deck out of the loft the other day new needles were ordered and  have arrived.DJ Soppy Socks might be pumping out a few trance classics at Kavala nightclub later on tonight. Let's see if I can still beat match like I could back in the day.
  11. Henry Atlas

    [IMG] https://gyazo.com/ff45200bcdaf0c2b34d9fbbd420993ab @Punk😉

    https://gyazo.com/ff45200bcdaf0c2b34d9fbbd420993ab @Punk😉
  12. Henry Atlas

    @PunkHope you like the colour red...

    @PunkHope you like the colour red...
  13. Henry Atlas

    We do I r teh bad friend.

    We do I r teh bad friend.
  14. Henry Atlas

    Poseidon et Victor..

    Poseidon et Victor..
  15. Henry Atlas

    About the same time you make Enforcer Marty 😉

    About the same time you make Enforcer Marty 😉