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  • Still waiting for the NHS application reply. Sent around 04/6/16... 

    Still nothing... 15/6/16

    Here is the response to the aplication:

    Application Declined

    More detailed and in-depth answers are required.

    Please resubmit your application with more detail within 48 hours.

    If not done within 48 hours, our standard 2 week minimum between applications will apply.

    Kind Regards

    (PAR.Masis MTO)

    NHS Administration

    CST Diego
    CST Diego
    Allright, whenever you are back I'd suggest you to come on ts3 and send either me or any CSt/CMO a message and we will sort it out as there might be a mistake on our side.


    it seems my application was denied according to Arco. Maybe I missed it or sonething as I dont remember getting a notification, ah well! I will re-apply in a few weeks. Thanks anyway! And you arco for digging that out if somewhere!

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