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Recent content by GraphicMarble

  1. GraphicMarble

    ??  <3

    ??  <3
  2. GraphicMarble

    Any suggestions for a microphone?

  3. GraphicMarble

    Any suggestions for a microphone?

    @PontyPrice range?
  4. GraphicMarble

    PSU for 1070 SLI

    Thank you
  5. GraphicMarble

    PSU for 1070 SLI

    So i was thinking on what psu and what voltage to get for a 1070 sli build. The second 1070 will be added in the future but I'd like to "future proof" the psu for when I buy the second card. Thanks 
  6. GraphicMarble

    PSU for 1070 SLI

    So i was thinking on what psu and what voltage to get for a 1070 sli build. The second 1070 will be added in the future but I'd like to "future proof" the psu for when I buy the second card. Thanks 
  7. GraphicMarble

    Admin response rate is at its peak.  Keep it up man ?

    Admin response rate is at its peak.  Keep it up man ?
  8. GraphicMarble

    Galantis - No Money (Two Friends Remix)

    If hobos had a theme song ? 
  9. GraphicMarble

    New Intel core

  10. GraphicMarble

    landing on the processor roof

    This is where i thought you were acting like a "smart ass". And please don't tell me this is an opinion.
  11. GraphicMarble

    landing on the processor roof

    How would i satisfy myself by calling you a smart ass may I ask?
  12. GraphicMarble

    landing on the processor roof

    Their is no reason to implicate homophobia in this discussion man. That is straight up immature from your part. @Romeo
  13. GraphicMarble

    landing on the processor roof

    @RomeoFirst of all acting like a smart ass won't get you anywhere here. And second of all why would landing on the processor be a good position for scouting compared to flying?
  14. GraphicMarble

    1070 Question

    I'm hoping that the DX12 support comes along very nicely with the new Apex expansion. That should be the one and only reason you need to buy this generation of cards. Thanks for the opinions btw. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/FmmT4D  This is what I'm looking forward to this year. Let's hope my...
  15. GraphicMarble

    1070 Question

    What do you guys think about the 1070 for 1440p. I'm hoping the 1070 is a 980 ti equivalent. I'm interested in your predictions/expectations so drop a comment ?