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Recent content by Gekz

  1. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Josh Gekka Steam ID: 76561199230598770 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17256 Ban Reason: C1.7, G11.2 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for teaming (G11.2) with Grove against Cutlass and I assume the common sense (C1.7) is for breaking a simple rule to...
  2. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Hello @Danoo I'm well thank you, hope you are too. To start off I want to say thank you for even entertaining my appeal even if this is the only reply I do get and taking the time out of your day to read through what I had to say. I know it was you who dealt with my last appeal and to be quite...
  3. Gekz

    Make Gang Masks Craftable

    Like @Pete said above and my own personal opinion, at first it would be refreshing and something new but I see it becoming very annoying to every gang. Could be a good idea tbf, I also see it as instead of the usual one gang pays another or whatever it could be at the end of the war the gangs...
  4. Gekz

    Make Gang Masks Craftable

    Wouldn't be a bad idea, but you lose a fight and spawn in and having to go to your gang bench to craft yourself another mask seems a bit long, sure you can have them stockpiled somewhere but you would need to craft about 1000 with how much people die, I can't picture a gang lead or higher ups...
  5. Gekz

    Make Gang Masks Craftable

    In terms of roleplay avenues I think it could generate interesting ones for gangs like Lucy stated above, however in my personal opinion if you think there is a lot of gang wars happening now, if this was introduced I think you would see a lot more gang wars happening which I'm not sure...
  6. Gekz

    Prison times changed

    The whole point of saying months instead of minutes is to not break RP, saying "I'm in prison for attempted murder but im only in here for 2 hours" is just shit roleplay. Not everything can be transferred from real life into the game, in some cases you just kinda have to go with the flow of...
  7. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Josh Gekka Steam ID: 76561199230598770 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17256 Ban Reason: C1.7 & G11.2 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for teaming (G11.2) with Grove St members while not being on the F6, I believe in doing-so I also breached C1.7 as I...
  8. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Hello @Hank Summers As I said, I wasn't sure hence why I didn't want to get close. I was told it was fine but my gut told me maybe its not hence my very minor involvement in the situation. As I also stated in the Discord call, I didn't think something small like giving a single lockpick and...
  9. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Josh Gekka Steam ID: 76561199230598770 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17256 Ban Reason: C1.7 & G11.2 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for not using my common sense as a long time gang RP member and giving comms on radio along with assisting members...
  10. Gekz

    Report a player - 1742 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Josh Gekka Reported Players: 1742 Date: May 31, 2024 Time: 08:40 What best describes this incident: Combat Logging, pretending to be AFK Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hello staff, theres a lot more this person did however all of my medal...
  11. Gekz

    Report a player - 598 & Unknown - GTA RP

    Surely if you're reporting me and my friend for meta, the other 2 would have also been in breach of the rule so this is already not making sense.  Can I also ask why you used your car to push us further down the hillside? I could be wrong but I believe this sort of thing should NOT be done. ...
  12. Gekz

    Report a player - 598 & Unknown - GTA RP

    I was 598 but everyone has pretty much said all that needs to be said.  
  13. Gekz

    Report a player - 563 & 639 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Josh Gekka Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 563 & 639 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/17/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2115 What best describes this incident ?: NVL, RDM...
  14. Gekz


  15. Gekz

    Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

    Well no, but I believed what was said to someone else had applied to everyone in general, so this wasn't something I necessarily "knew" I was doing which I think I have explained in the replies. I wasn't trying to use anything to fit my narrative, purely just using what I believed applied...