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Recent content by Finbar

  1. Finbar

    Hive / Sou Cheng out (temp)

    Take it easy bro
  2. Finbar

    The Vespucci Family

    I only roleplay 
  3. Finbar

    o7 RPUK

    Not angry just disappointed  
  4. Finbar

    @Chris MCongrats for being the first ever to die in border wars 

    @Chris MCongrats for being the first ever to die in border wars 
  5. Finbar

    Next time you have a whiff it’s going straight up 😂😂

    Next time you have a whiff it’s going straight up 😂😂
  6. Finbar

    Rules Feedback

    As per this report it is clear that ramming vacant and stationary vehicles is against the rules.  To me this seems to go against common sense and I personally fail to see how it is reasonable to lockpick a vehicle being used to block a deerstand/DMT/entrance to a place someone is holding giving...
  7. Finbar

    @Kieron Orionunlucky hahahah https://imgur.com/a/todB83x

    @Kieron Orionunlucky hahahah https://imgur.com/a/todB83x
  8. Finbar

    TFR RIOT Out

    Wish you the best of luck
  9. Finbar

    get facepalmed 

    get facepalmed 
  10. Finbar


    Okay so first of all your gang was initiated on multiple times, second of all I wasn't the first to shoot and you guys were shooting back at me before I killed you so how can you say I RDMd you.  Interesting you've reported me when I've done nothing wrong.
  11. Finbar

    & that's me

    Hope to see you around on ts from time to time, take care of yourself ❤️ 
  12. Finbar

    Welcome back

    Welcome back
  13. Finbar

    Removal of Decamp script

    No idea, I've only really played for just over a year.
  14. Finbar

    Removal of Decamp script

    Yeah i know was just saying what has been send regarding it's current status 🙂 