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Recent content by Filihut

  1. Filihut

    Report a player - SOS save our server - Altis Life

    Hello I'm going to comment as I was mentioned in this report. First of all, a five minute clip is required for rdm cases so the previous roleplay can be viewed. And second, I'm fairly certain you were all revived no? I thought we resolved the situation there? But for this report 5 minutes...
  2. Filihut

    Report a player - Filihut - Altis Life

    Here is my pov. As you can see I clearly could not see you. I was going for the hunter as I wanted to steal it. When I came up to it I began holding my handbrake, initiating a drift. When I saw you it was too late to stop the drift and I hit you. You then went below the hunter, which repaired...
  3. Filihut

    Report a player - Filihut - Altis Life

    Tbh don't see what rule I broke here. Accidentily ran you over as I couldn't see you until it was too late(not vdm, accident). In the video i can be heard saying sorry as I didn't mean to hit you. I also say "I didnt kill you...." as I thought you were simply in the vdm ragdoll and I hadn't...
  4. Filihut

    Did a major and got a 100k 🤑 so cool

    Did a major and got a 100k 🤑 so cool
  5. Filihut

    Report a player - Hansl, Markus - Altis Life

    i did not no, they followed me when from diving shop driving towards me before the  recording. This is the only incident i have had with them.
  6. Filihut

    Compensation Request - Filihut - Altis Life

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Fili Game: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198071916992 The date when this happened: 14/02/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was vdm and rdm and then executed. Link to any evidence...
  7. Filihut

    Report a player - Hansl, Markus - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Fili Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Hansl, Markus Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 14/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 22 What best describes this incident ?: RDM, VDM Please (in detail) describe...
  8. Filihut

    @ACC LastNickLefttake me back please. 2017 was way better

    @ACC LastNickLefttake me back please. 2017 was way better
  9. Filihut

    Ugandan airlines are back yo🤯😤 [MEDIA]

    Ugandan airlines are back yo🤯😤
  10. Filihut

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for asking question and also not knowing that the question to that answer is irrelevant because the answer to that question is not the question to that answer.
  11. Filihut

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for being smaller than me
  12. Filihut

    @Duckkyy when shit becomes less boring

    @Duckkyy when shit becomes less boring
  13. Filihut

    useful stuff you know

    useful stuff you know
  14. Filihut

    Any other warreners?

    Got all upgrades except brakes so it suprises at the stoplight races. Trying to keep the looks as stock as possible. Anyone else got a warrener?