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Recent content by Fet

  1. Fet

    GTA RP - Azteca umbrellas have not fully loaded.

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Fetran Emersyn Steam ID: 76561198068992196 Date: May 27, 2024 Time: 17:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Azteca umbrellas have not fully loaded. Provide a full description of the bug: At the Azteca block, the sunbathing beds have somehow stopped...
  2. Fet

    Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

    Hello, this is me in the video. My POV can be seen on ticket: fivem-22440 on discord, I would appreciate if this stays hidden to avoid metagaming. The video also provides context of my intentions to log out (wanted to do what I was doing and then log out). I do genuinely believe it's just an...
  3. Fet

    Report a player - Billy 826 - GTA RP

    As someone that was involved in this situation, if staff have any doubts about the NVL I don't mind uploading a muted (due to me talking with people who aren't in the community) clip to show it was a clear 3 v 1. I would like to say the only reason his mate is in the bushes is because 10...
  4. Fet


  5. Fet

    The End Has Arrived (For Now)

    Peace. Hope you enjoy what life has to offer you.
  6. Fet

    Report a player - Ceko - Ballas - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Fetran Emersyn Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Ceko - Ballas Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/22/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1747 What best describes this incident ?: (G1.2)...
  7. Fet

    Public Parking at the Church

    I would love to see this implemented. +1
  8. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    When I did it, I didn't realise I was in a roleplaying scenario and thought I was just logging off. As for not combat logging or something similar, I was just getting into GTARP (and managed to meet a group without my usual friends who invited me), I want to play it with my friends on my...
  9. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    No I don't. I have recording disabled due to my PC not being able to handle it smoothly in most games. I'm not sure where I went down either, I think I remember seeing a weapon bench in the room but that could be literally anywhere.
  10. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    I am going to try getting Medal so I have proof of situations. I would type to an admin in the chat or open a support ticket if they're not around.
  11. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    Yes, although there was an instance where my game crashed (in scenario) but I believe I sorted it out later, I was told not to worry about it.
  12. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    I hadn't slept which is why I figured I may aswell just go to sleep. Honestly didn't realise that I called for a medic. I have read both community and GTARP rules, initially when I got banned and twice more during this appeal. The rule (C2.3) combat logging states that logging out at any point...
  13. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Fet  In-game Name: Fetran Emersyn Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198068992196 Ban ID: !!rpuk9474!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (C2.3) Combat logging In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was on a bike in a secluded area during a quiet time...
  14. Fet

    Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Fet  In-game Name: Fetran Emersyn Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198068992196 Ban ID: !!rpuk9474!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (C2.3) Combat logging In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was on a bike in a secluded area during a quiet time, in...