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Recent content by Dylan01

  1. Dylan01

    The end of an era

    Made some lifelong friends on this server and through this community, absolute hell of a ride. 
  2. Dylan01

    If i'm going down a river at 10 MPH and my canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix will it...

    If i'm going down a river at 10 MPH and my canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix will it take to retile my house?
  3. Dylan01

    Vote for Arma 3 in the Steam Awards

    I have voted ❤️
  4. Dylan01

    Words Of Wisdom | Richards Majestic Productions | GTA Movie

    Undercover Martyn, great band TDCC ❤️
  5. Dylan01

    RPUK Not showing up (Arma 3)

    @M tried plenty of times mate, restated my pc, wifi the lot but nothing works.
  6. Dylan01

    RPUK Not showing up (Arma 3)

    Evening all,  The server will not show up at all within Arma 3, i have tried using the launcher, favourites, recent but nothing is working. Its like the server has disappeared. Nothing works. Attached is what is displayed when i try to join through a friend. HELP ME
  7. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    @NuclearI have spoken to Sierra over discord and we have came to a mutual agreement. We have agreed to "cease fire" and erase all past altercations. Im glad we have both showed maturity and compassion towards each other as I now realise mistakes can be made. This report can be closed as it has...
  8. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    Currently in a police patrol but after i am also up for resolving this over discord teamspeak whatever it may be.
  9. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    You have also said a lot of ridiculous stuff over discord but i wont go into it as it is outwith the community and is irrelevant. I don't understand why you are taking screenshots of DM's and sending them here? not only is it irrelevant but it also has no correlation to the current situation. Im...
  10. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    First off all, that greeting anyway is highly frowned upon. It shouldnt be used either way as it can be seen as racist. Second of all that "Threat to report" wasn't said by me. That was by Dylann (2 n's). You do realise that what was said on discord was a joke and was not meant to be taken...
  11. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    Cant wait to see it 😄 Sierra, how can this be a revenge report if i have never reported you before and to my knowledge you havent reported me so that stubs that point out firmly.
  12. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    How would this be a revenge report? 
  13. Dylan01

    Report a player - Sierra - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Dylan Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Sierra Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 11/13/20 Time of the incident (GMT): 1440 What best describes this incident ?: Blatant Racism (Extreme) Please (in...
  14. Dylan01

    Rasta out!

    I'm not sure if this is the rasta I've been working alongside while being a ppc but if it is, its been an honour serving with you. I wish you nothing but good health pal.  
  15. Dylan01

    Post your favourite song(s)

    @Sou Cheng star shoppings guitar parts are too good 