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Recent content by Drex

  1. Drex

    Unban Appeal - VortexKEK - GTA RP

    Hello! After our conversation, I am no longer concerned that you are under the age of 18, and confident enough to permit you reentry, as your account has been unbanned. Note, that a record of this ban will remain and in accordance with our Fair Bans System, any ban within 6 months from today...
  2. Drex

    Unban Appeal - VortexKEK - GTA RP

    Hello! Your applications to various factions (Five in total), have had the following responses to the question about your age: 2021: 18. 2021: 18. 2022: 25. 2022: 18. 2025: 21. Now, unless I am mistaken, you age roughly one year every twelve months, in which case the above does not entirely...
  3. Drex

    Unban Appeal - marcusjones - GTA RP - Denied

    Hello @marcusjones You've claimed what I have quoted above, so I'll ask you this -- What rule would you be breaking, if a player took you up on the offer in Discord, and you proceeded to provide them with money, items or other assets in-game?
  4. Drex

    Unban Appeal - reis - GTA RP

    Well, it didn't take very long to read. Given the magnitude of your ban, this effort doesn't even begin to match. I will not tolerate players hurling abuse and racist comments at my fellow staff members, and for as long as your appeals are three-line topics, you won't be unbanned. Denied
  5. Drex

    Report a player - Scott Duffy, Mark Morgan & PPC - GTA RP

    @JoeyP98 Hello! I believe you are the 'PPC' in question, if you'd like to contribute to this report.
  6. Drex

    Report a player - Scott Duffy, Mark Morgan & PPC - GTA RP

    Please, read my initial message about keeping your responses relevant - This back-and-forth will only add unnecessary workload on the staff team, reading through replies that yield nothing that furthers the report. If you continue to post non-contributing replies, you'll be restricted from posting.
  7. Drex

    Report a player - Scott Duffy, Mark Morgan & PPC - GTA RP

    Hello. As there are multiple parties involved in this report, I remind everyone that posting on this topic should only be done to contribute towards the issue at hand, preferably with evidence. @Brick - I understand you have further evidence regarding the liaison, we will await this before...
  8. Drex

    Jaegarn remembrance post

    I've had the pleasure of many hours of laughter and good memories with Jaegarn aka. Jimmy. He was a kind, wholesome and caring person - a player that made a long-lasting impression that will now remain eternalised in this post. I'll miss the really bad dad-jokes. Farewell, Jaegarn - wishes...
  9. Drex

    Saknad, men i minnet väl bevarad. Må du vila i frid, Jaegarn. 🇸🇪🌹

    Saknad, men i minnet väl bevarad. Må du vila i frid, Jaegarn. 🇸🇪🌹
  10. Drex

    Unban Appeal - koujoooo - GTA RP

    I'll match your effort. No
  11. Drex

    Unban Appeal - stridermilligan - GTA RP

    Hello. I'm afraid the explanation of 'My brother did it!' doesn't fly here, as stated in the unban guide. Also, when spoken to in-game by Staff, it was "a cousin's PC", not brother, if that helps keeping your story together! Denied. Try again when you are 18
  12. Drex

    Unban Appeal - Ollie Just - GTA RP

    Hello @Ollie Just As this forum account was never banned under C1.6 due to an oversight on our end, you've been able to post this appeal with a non "_unban" account. That said, I am willing to allow this appeal to continue with your current account given that it is ONLY used to respond to this...
  13. Drex

    Unban Appeal - miabro - GTA RP

    Hello @miabro Did you aid the other player with transferring anything other than a vehicle?
  14. Drex

    Unban Appeal - Stic - GTA RP

    Hello @Stic After careful deliberation, with your history taken into consideration, we've decided that this and any future appeal regarding this ban will be denied. For reasons known to staff and yourself, we bid farewell - the door is, and will remain closed, permanently. DENIED...
  15. Drex

    Unban Appeal - maximustraximus - GTA RP

    Please read the rule codes under which you have been banned, put them into perspective when responding to the questions; You've only mentioned two rule breaks in your details, yet the ban is in place as per four different violations - Furthermore, we'll need a lot more effort than this before...