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Recent content by Donny

  1. Donny

    General boss

    +1. General is a bit nuts but from my interactions he plays his character extremely well and is always a great laugh.
  2. Donny

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    I do think the money should remain high but not as high as 300-400k an hour. I think the main issue is how poorly will this effect the economy? Will everyone just hike the prices up on everything or will it remain the same? Dont get me wrong for my main char its a benefit in every way - more...
  3. Donny

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    yeh however much we earnt on those jobs was freaking nuts...
  4. Donny

    Compensation Request - Donny - GTA RP

    Character Name: Donny Donald Character ID: 50607 Steam ID: 76561198121574490 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: I have a "broken hatchet" and a "broken battleaxe" found from bin jobs. They are broken and completely unfixable. I also don't believe melee weapons are meant...
  5. Donny

    More variety of Jobs & Activities

    More activities would be good but I imagine are full or bugs etc however having played other servers and seen the minigames they have some of them can be quite good. In terms of jobs, I think there is plenty of solo jobs (taxi, trucking etc) and the best thing to see would be some form of team...
  6. Donny

    GTA RP - Crate placement is broken.

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Donnly Donald Steam ID: 76561198121574490 Date: May 22, 2024 Time: 14:30 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Crate placement is broken. Provide a full description of the bug: Cannot place a crate on the floor. A "ghost" crate appears as if it the one...
  7. Donny

    Avion Setup

    Can you do some ASMR videos please
  8. Donny

    Lantern mc’s home!

    Latern have been around for a while, established and have gone through the early internal politics all groups do and survived it. It would be good to see you guys get a home and progress further :)
  9. Donny

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    IMO this would kill the economy even more because people would be able to liquidate so easily.
  10. Donny

    Report a bug - Donny - GTA RP

    Crouch, keep aiming whilst you uncrouch
  11. Donny

    Report a bug - Donny - GTA RP

    Crouching then aiming seemed to fix this for me.
  12. Donny

    New Forum Backgrounds!

  13. Donny

    GTA RP - Vehicles spawning in Lost MC dog cage

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Donnly Donald Steam ID: 76561198121574490 Date: May 7, 2024 Time: 14:38 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Vehicles spawning in Lost MC dog cage Provide a full description of the bug: Vehicles keep spawning with locals inside in the dog cage at the Lost MC...
  14. Donny

    Report a bug - Donny - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Donnly Donald Steam ID: 76561198121574490 Date: May 1, 2024 Time: 00:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: forced first person aim on foot Provide a full description of the bug: Randomly get forced to aim in first person whilst on foot, cannot switch...
  15. Donny

    Inventory Access For Whitelisted Gangs

    loot and scoot with some tweedle flaming on the side sounds like great fun