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Recent content by DexyKing

  1. DexyKing

    Sorry what is Arma Sir?.

    Sorry what is Arma Sir?.
  2. DexyKing

    How do I roleplay again??

    How do I roleplay again??
  3. DexyKing


  4. DexyKing

    W E    W A N T     I T     P L E A S E.. And tbfh not like the devs/ mgmt play the server that...

    W E    W A N T     I T     P L E A S E.. And tbfh not like the devs/ mgmt play the server that much anyways.. Just add it pls
  5. DexyKing

    Potato prices!

    Honestly was not expected at all pretty funny to see people go maad about it but please give us a better price other than 525 quid please😭
  6. DexyKing

    Potato prices!

    Please change the prices back to what it was we were not complaining I believe if you are willing to pay 60-70 mill for a property I believe it should be well worth it like I’d rather do a diamond run in my blackfish than a potato run as it would make me over 1.5 mill in the time I’d make 800k...
  7. DexyKing

    Potato prices!

    Guess those selling them for 80 mill would calm stop now
  8. DexyKing

    Report a Player - Get fragged kid - VDM

    Honestly m8.. This proves nothing that its me.. Just provide an evidence that its me. Something that shows thats me??
  9. DexyKing

    Report a Player - Get fragged kid - VDM

    Editing all I wrote.. Even if that's me, where is the evidence that that's actually me. 2) You are literally posting a video evidence for a report with less than 2-3 mins which goes against what is written in the report a player guide.
  10. DexyKing

    Prestige LVL 1

    Yes you can you can prestige in different runs e.g prestige 1 in apples, prestige 2 in salt, prestige 3 in potatoes and so on...
  11. DexyKing

    https://i.imgur.com/h9YBYhi.mp4  (our perspective) Laggy af... Thats the video from the...

    https://i.imgur.com/h9YBYhi.mp4  (our perspective) Laggy af... Thats the video from the cops perspective..     Terrible lag tbfh
  12. DexyKing

    Compensation Request - DexyKing

    Can confirmed I just reclaimed the LRPS from the auction house as an expired item... Compensation request can be closed
  13. DexyKing

    Compensation Request - DexyKing

    In-game Name: DexyKing Steam ID: 76561198931735503 Date this happened: 12/20/19 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Bought a LRPS and it asked if I wanted it on my weapon or inventory.. I then selected inventory but it somehow wasn't in my backpack...
  14. DexyKing

    Standardise Combat Reviving Rule

    @Aiden What if they get revived and moving or making an attempt to leave the building means they’d 85% get shot... Are they allowed to just sit in whatever building they are holding and wait there for timer to be over??