hi sammy the reason this server has combat logging in place is to make sure that the server gives a good roleplay expirence it stops players from doing for example what i stupidly did where i purposly avoided a roleplay senario to store a item that i had.
Another example of combat logging would...
hi sammy i hope you are well and and in the past i admitt yes i was new to roleplay and that was my mindset back then and i will be the first one to admit that i have gone away and gained expirence and i understand that was the wrong kind of thinking for a serious rp server and that why i feel i...
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: demarcus smith
Steam ID: 76561199228185017
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14440
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: the reason i was banned and i fully no why i was in a roleplay senario with the police it was some time ago but i think i was robbing...
the reason i can provide quality roleplay on this server is because i have read all the rules esspecially the ones stated around the reason i was banned the kind of quality roleplay i want to do is gang roleplay drug dealing robbing stores i want demarcus smith my character to become a hugh...
I am so desperate to be unabnned on RPUK because i have played many servers since my ban and didnt feel the connection that i felt here and i think out of public servers it has the best roleplay and coding
The characters i want to play will be criminals and maybe even police officers i want...
i shouldnt have messaged staff and i appoligise for this in a way it shows effort because i am desprate to be unbanned and that is why i did so mnay appeals but none of them put the full description of everthing that happend i believe this one has but yes i was wrong to message staff and it...
fail rp can mean many different things it can mean talking out of rp for example talking about rl things while rping it could also mean spawning a car outa ur ass when in a cop chase since roleplay.co.uk is a serious rp server you guys have these rules in place to make sure people dont rp like...
c2.3 is bassicly logging out during a rp scne with the police or a staff member the reason yall have this rule is to prevent fail rp from happening to ensure that it is a serious rp server
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: demarcus smith
Steam ID: 76561199228185017
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14440
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned because i walt f4d during a scene where the police has caught me the reason i did this was because i had a gun that cost...
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: demarcus smith
Steam ID: 76561199228185017
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14440
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned for alt f4 it was a few months ago
Why should we unban you: i have been playing over servers and i have gained role...
no im a amature boxer in yorkshire i have been focousing on this for the last few months
this was my chill time to play with my mates its up to you guys like i said i appoligise and wouldnt do it again
i cant remember all the small details due to it being a while ago since this happend but i stand by what i said before that i appoligise for what i did and would love to be allowed to come back