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Recent content by chimaev

  1. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    So basically your saying the negative interaction started because of in game cheek didn't you drive to me and call me a pussio or something whatever you said then do proceed to run me over none of my vids have my own voice I appreciate you posting all clips. Though what exactly do I say to be...
  2. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    your not even in proximity for god sake i couldn't hear anything you said hence why i said get out i cant say in game oh aye your not in talking range i had to go to you  bro you drove away many times and came back what you lying for i asked you many times on many occasions if you were gonna...
  3. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    i ask simply you gonna pay for it you drive off i need to drive after you for insurance NOT CHASE YOU. You drove away ?? maybe im asking you to get out to swap info idk but you drive away from me for me to then leave the area completely to then you following me about talking alot of shit in...
  4. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    Im sorry mate but asking you to get out a fucking taxi after crashing into me dont sound to unreasonable considering YOU CRASHED INTO ME you drive off and dont give me a second chance to start a interaction you leave in a taxi and drive off brother i have five seperate clips for fucks sake...
  5. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    for my sake. mate I have about five clips of it I am standing at a bank and you keep coming over to knock me down you fail rp anyway mate i ask are you gonna pay for damages no response and you start to drive away there was no context to it because i tried to leave the area and go away from you...
  6. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    Are you being for real I hear none of what you say I ask you to get out the taxi in character if you had crashed into me irl id also be as mad I didn't start being abusive to you until you RDMED me even at that brother you crashed into me the video on your side looks like a complete accident...
  7. chimaev

    Report a player - 671 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Cameron harvey Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 671 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/06/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2305 What best describes this incident ?: i got rvdmd and...