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Recent content by Chilli

  1. Chilli


  2. Chilli

    Portable Game Console

    "Prison tablet" just a tablet that doesn't have a SIM card or WiFi maybe
  3. Chilli

    Portable Game Console

    "Prison tablet" just a tablet that doesn't have a SIM card or WiFi maybe
  4. Chilli

    Panic Button - Audio Trigger

    To clarify i dont mind this happening but i would like to see groupie thing added with the panic sound to keep it fair as currently at least we have an animation. Groupie is impossible to tell
  5. Chilli

    Panic Button - Audio Trigger

    Nice nerd emoji but yes you are wrong. Police do not need a loud sound as that puts other people in danger. The sound actually emits from other officers radios but they are plugged into earpieces so only officers can hear. (As the current system is) The radio also flashes orange on everyone but...
  6. Chilli

    Phoenix? more like Penis

    Phoenix? more like Penis
  7. Chilli

    Report a player - NSC members - Unknown Server ID - GTA RP

    - My bwv Now onto some other points But yet police still got shot. No police shot any shots at that time. We was also going up to verbally speak due to you shooting undercover officers it was not known if you knew you had shot police. So we did not want to open fire back like we could have as...
  8. Chilli

    Just Let Us Drink the Milk!

    @Bobinz we are at 30+
  9. Chilli

    Just Let Us Drink the Milk!

    As @Smith has said though. Pasteurization should take place otherwise you should become ill. Otherwise I am all for it
  10. Chilli

    Weazel News Feed

    wym rip. Weazel news has their own ingame app to post their stories
  11. Chilli

    Storage at police stations for officers

    Nah Templar hotels. Shorter walk to work thanks
  12. Chilli

    Storage at police stations for officers

    Would rather see the police invest in a building for all their officers to live. smh. Heard Callaghan may have one for sale. Some officers do stink of Barry's couch
  13. Chilli

    GTA RP - Prison CCTV missing

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Elina Winters Steam ID: 76561198128030688 Date: Dec 4, 2024 Time: 14:20 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Prison CCTV missing Provide a full description of the bug: Prison CCTV access at MRPS is missing. Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The...
  14. Chilli

    GTA RP - Beanbag decal persists on death

  15. Chilli

    Compensation Request - Chilli - GTA RP

    Character Name: Elina Winters Character ID: 1614 Steam ID: 76561198128030688 Game: GTA RP Date: Nov 17, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: My Deployable Christmas tree got swallowed when placing it in MRPS reception for a Christmassy reception area. Usually these issues wouldnt bother me but...