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Recent content by CC Reminissions

  1. CC Reminissions

    Any Avenged Sevenfold Fans here?

    Not ready to die is amazing to!
  2. CC Reminissions

    Any Avenged Sevenfold Fans here?

    @Wilco I had no idea you were an A7X fan!!! I have Synyster Gates custom guitar sitting right next to me ;-)!!! Critical Acclaim (what a chug!!!!!) Bat Country, Second Heart Beat, Unholy Confession, Hail to the King! Nightmare,  To be fair, all of the, Synyster Gates live solo!!! so many...
  3. CC Reminissions

     Back on the Birthday stream! come hang out would mean the world to me! ❤️ 

     Back on the Birthday stream! come hang out would mean the world to me! ❤️ 
  4. CC Reminissions

    Come join me for my birthday guys! come say hi and hang out!! 🙂❤️

    Come join me for my birthday guys! come say hi and hang out!! 🙂❤️
  5. CC Reminissions

    Happy Birthday bud ❤️ 

    Happy Birthday bud ❤️ 
  6. CC Reminissions

    Thanks my brother!!! ❤️ 

    Thanks my brother!!! ❤️ 
  7. CC Reminissions

    Happy birthday my brother! 'av a bloody good one!!! ❤️😄 

    Happy birthday my brother! 'av a bloody good one!!! ❤️😄 
  8. CC Reminissions

    bad boy tune

  9. CC Reminissions

    Report a Player - Jebediah Jalalai - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean. Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player. If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.
  10. CC Reminissions

    Report a Player - Jebediah Jalalai - Poor/Low Quality RP

    It isn't enough for me to say "They didn't do wrong close" I always try to make sure people understand the point of view, i agree with you that escape is a role play story in its self, however I'd say it was also an option to talk your way out of it. Based on what I have seen I would say there...
  11. CC Reminissions

    Report a Player - Jebediah Jalalai - Poor/Low Quality RP

    @Yalcin I understand your point of view fully, however I am going to play devils advocate here; Firstly 2 wrongs do not make a right, because some one offers you poor RP dose not then give you the right to do it back. Secondly they couldn't have known you were captive they couldn't have known...
  12. CC Reminissions

    Report a Player - Jebediah Jalalai - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean! @Yalcin Upon...
  13. CC Reminissions

    Anyone else hyped AF?

    Hell yeah!! cannot frikken wait! ❤️ 
  14. CC Reminissions

    https://twitch.tv/reminission  come say hi!

    https://twitch.tv/reminission  come say hi!
  15. CC Reminissions

    Mr. Ivhan's goodbye

    @CI Ivhan Breaks my heart my man!! 😕 I hate it, but you gotta do what you gotta do bro, much love in your future and don't be a stranger grab my number and keep in contact over whatsapp bro PM me here so we can keep in contact mate! ❤️