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Recent content by Calluum

  1. Calluum

    Un-ban Appeal - Calluum - 26/08/19

    In-game Name Calluum Steam ID 76561198387337443 The date of your ban. 16/09/18 Member of the team that banned you. Gurlanin Reason given for your ban. Suspisious money activity The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were...
  2. Calluum

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Calluum

    im am very confident that this wont happen again however if it does i will: mute my mic and let others deal with the situation or leave the Teamspeak completely until said argument is over.  (i will try prevent and cover my anger as much as possible) thank you.
  3. Calluum

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Calluum

    being prejudice towards different categories of people. like sex or race.  i was discriminative towards another member of the RPUK community and the admin told me he took it personally so i thought i would add to it my appeal even though it was irrelevant. sorry for any inconvenience.
  4. Calluum

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Calluum

    In-game Name [ARC] Calluum Steam ID 76561198848861531 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/109453-un-ban-appeal-calluum-220818-denied-redirected-to-perm/?tab=comments#comment-630903 In your own words, please type why you think you were...
  5. Calluum

    Un-ban Appeal - Calluum - 22/08/18 (Denied - redirected to perm)

    the argument was to some random that doesnt have channels (probably uses discord), and they were complaining to my gang because they did something in the red zone and they got mad about it and it got me and all my gang memebers angry, furthermore i still regret what i said...
  6. Calluum

    Un-ban Appeal - Calluum - 22/08/18 (Denied - redirected to perm)

    In-game Name [ARC] Calluum Steam ID 76561198387337443 The date of your ban. 22/08/18 Member of the team that banned you. MadassRubberduck Reason given for your ban. called someone a "faggot" (1.2) The Server you initially were banned on. Teamspeak In your own words, please type why...
  7. Calluum

    Compensation Request - Vimy (Refused)

    I didn't notice because I didn't know it changed to someone else (which is a bug) and I only know this because I spoke to "reminissions" who told me to put the request in, furthermore I am fairly new to the game and I didn't know it jumped back to the top. However if he has the money he can just...
  8. Calluum

    Compensation Request - Vimy (Refused)

    In-game Name: [IB] Vimyy Steam ID: 232411 Date this happened: 10/08/18 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: i was giving 7 million to a friend through wire transfer and its glitched and i sent it to "(ainc01)mason", after this happened i spoke to an...