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Recent content by Brandon Pigeon

  1. Brandon Pigeon

    Working Railway

    Yeah understandable but same time run the risk when going on that live track 
  2. Brandon Pigeon

    Working Railway

    Yeah if the issues with you falling out etc were fixed it would be very good. it means no more tunnel escapes? No it means tunnels escapes with a lot more risk as it should be… I get it’s annoying but if you think a 3000 Ton train shouldn’t “1tap” your 1-2 ton car then I don’t know what to say...
  3. Brandon Pigeon

    Working Railway

    Need to enforce byelaws some way or another 😐
  4. Brandon Pigeon

    Working Railway

    My suggestion is to simply allow the trams, underground, and transport trains to be enabled to move across Los Santos.  This would enable people to use the trains to go to Paleto for example and gives people more options than just a car...  This could also enable different types of criminal...
  5. Brandon Pigeon

    1 Mil for Brandon Pigeon 🤨

    1 Mil for Brandon Pigeon 🤨
  6. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - GTA RP

    Your right I was showing lack of care at that time and I even said I should of called "Gods" and possibly got myself out with the help of admins. And being completly open I was thinking no admins were going to be and I would just be able to continue playing rather getting out in a legit...
  7. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - GTA RP

    Why should you unban me? Well, been a member of this community from the early days of Arma with that now gone I play FiveM and have built my character for well over a year. My police character is very well known througout the server with both possitive and negative interactions with players all...
  8. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Brandon Pigeon  In-game Name: Brandon Pigeon Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198147172277 Ban ID: !!rpuk6236!! Reason given for your ban: Teleporting In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was going to a power station break-in when I ran up to the...
  9. Brandon Pigeon


    Well my time is up, a recent job opportunity has come up and glad to say im starting in september.  Just wanna say thanks for everyone over the past 2 years plenty of ups and downs and some absolutly fanstatic times from the sheer madness htat RPUK can bring. Gonna be leaving my postions in...
  10. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - Altis Life

    Most Certainly not wasting your time, the fact I got myself banned by admitting to as staff had no clue I even did it... Does this not show honesty to you? I was banned for combat logging within a short period and it seems I didn't learn from that ban. However, I can assure you this time I have...
  11. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - Altis Life

    Yeah it was stupid of me to quit the game to just save a suppressor... and yes we get guns cheap, it is most certainly not worth the hassle of getting banned over for a single attachment worth like 200k.
  12. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Brandon Pigeon  In-game Name: SI Brandon Pigeon [8661] Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198147172277 The date you got banned: 03/08/21 Member of the team that banned you: James Travers Reason given for your ban: Combat Logging In your own words, please type why you think...
  13. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - Altis Life

    Yeah that is true, I do admit I hate when things dont go my way but I think ive now learnt I just need to accept it at the end of the day not worth coming to the unban section again over. A suppresor on a gun can be replaced but missing out on things like border wars and operations made me...
  14. Brandon Pigeon

    🧠 Live 

    🧠 Live 
  15. Brandon Pigeon

    Unban Appeal - Brandon Pigeon - Altis Life

    I did, I went into support channel straight afterwards and admitted to doing it. the staff members present were Jefke, James Travers and Ram. I knew what I did was wrong and that is why instead of hiding it and being Malicious about it I owned up to it in support. 