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Recent content by Bone Topick

  1. Bone Topick


  2. Bone Topick


  3. Bone Topick

    After 5 years I’m back

    Best of luck
  4. Bone Topick

    Welcome, to the LostMC | Richards Majestic Productions | GTA Movie

    Great work lads, felt like some batman shit 
  5. Bone Topick

    Bugged animation

    In the Development teams defence, it's not been patched irl yet either
  6. Bone Topick

    Key bind options stuck

    (This could be client or fivem side, if so reject this) When trying to set keybinds to animations it will only ever allow you to set the key's from the screenshot. For example i am unable to bind NUM1 NUM2 NUM3. When you have binded one of the available keys, it will still show up on the list...
  7. Bone Topick

    After losing the final 2% of fat on my body, i am finally embracing my life as a skeleton...

    After losing the final 2% of fat on my body, i am finally embracing my life as a skeleton. Please support me during this difficult time. 
  8. Bone Topick

    Lost Club... Soon TM

    Considering he could of played the guitar or the bongo drums, i have mad respect for the man on stage who decided to whip out an ol' bottle of jack to entertain the crowd 
  9. Bone Topick

    Come on Mog! Kraken taught you better than this! tsk tsk

    Come on Mog! Kraken taught you better than this! tsk tsk
  10. Bone Topick

    8,000 hours on Arma 3, here's to 8,000 more! (nice of you to get recognition for being one of...

    8,000 hours on Arma 3, here's to 8,000 more! (nice of you to get recognition for being one of the few major rebels who promoted RP and taught new players, you're a rare breed, still don't forgive you for that time you took me hostage from PD and drove me in a boat all the way to Poseidon tower...
  11. Bone Topick

    To the owner of the Route 68 Shop

    @Stealthee The obvious solution would be rent that can only be payed a month in advance to avoid people going AFK for 3 months 
  12. Bone Topick

    If you are one on one with someone you will get good RP, if you are in a group it will just be...

    If you are one on one with someone you will get good RP, if you are in a group it will just be everyone chatting shit, punching, driving vehicles into you. 
  13. Bone Topick

    [MEDIA] Banjo Jo when he makes his debut on FiveM 

    Banjo Jo when he makes his debut on FiveM 
  14. Bone Topick

    That would be nice, pretty sure i was logged in every day for a year and received none of the...

    That would be nice, pretty sure i was logged in every day for a year and received none of the awards because you had to log out, and then back in on that exact day to receive it
  15. Bone Topick

    As long as your infowars Epic Intro is ironic and you aren't actually a nutter 

    As long as your infowars Epic Intro is ironic and you aren't actually a nutter 