i would suggest an amd ryzen 5 or if you lucky a 7 with a rtx card til the prices drop on gfx cards , you would be looking around 700-750 for the complete unit .
this may of coinceded with a outbreak of foot and mouth that was being bought in on wheels of trucks , hence some of us blocking roads to urinate on truck drivers feet as the only sterile source we had .
in the bios you can set the boot order of the pc , ie the first one needs to be what your OS is on
if that does not work make a boot disk or stick of any PC and then you can at least start your pc in safe mode , or use dos to format drives and re install at the extreme level
perhaps also take the time to watch this video for some helpful insight .
There have been a few changes since this video was made but is a good guide still .
no there does not have to be a certain amount on , however the more that are on the higher the rewards .
Shipwreck loot overhauled: HM Treasury shipwrecks now spawn actual gold bars, starting at 20 gold bars and adding one for every online police officer at the time of the wreck. Regular...