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Recent content by Ben Clark

  1. Ben Clark

    Change how water bottles work

    Cant say much here due to meta-gaming bottled water is used for crim side not for drinking it or food recipes. Refilling water helps otherwise if crims have to pay £300 per water the return profit is not worth it.
  2. Ben Clark

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Our you say our we was circling sandy waiting for our friends to show up when our friends was already in sandy they was following in a distance where they can see us they got into sandy when we got into sandy. Now we are going around in circles ive already said in my previous responce there...
  3. Ben Clark

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    i Was part of this situation i was is the sultan with the other's who decamped. This is hardly RDM i had a officer chasing me with a tazor at me shouting armed police put your hands up or i will taze you. What shall i do turn around try and have a conversation with him? No i tried that in the...
  4. Ben Clark

    Cigarettes and Tobacco

    https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/illicitly-enhanced-consumables.424292/ This has already been suggested in the past this post has alot more detail and think it needs bumping^^
  5. Ben Clark

    Compensation Request - Ben Clark - GTA RP

    Forgot to add Lost Item: Thermal Drill After the we left the bank we did get away from police so if it would let us pick up the themal drill we would have got away with the thermal drill if it would let us pick it up
  6. Ben Clark

    Compensation Request - Ben Clark - GTA RP

    Character Name: Ben Clark Character ID: 43891 Steam ID: 76561198256633655 Game: GTA RP Date: Dec 29, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: We was hitting paleto bank i accidentally fat fingered the mini game to pour cooling liquid on the thermal drill and when i went to pour more liqud on it...
  7. Ben Clark

    Police and amount of them

    I know my comment seems blunt But its true the amount of suggestions on the forums trying to find a balance between crims and police is crazy and its not getting looked at. Nothing gets done about it while crims sit there getting frustrated with the police everyday by police going out in over...
  8. Ben Clark

    Police and amount of them

    The police win mentality is mad on how many police turn up to a situation just makes it unfun for the crim side its one of the reasons why i dont really log in on my crim character no more i just find it boring with 10+ feds chasing you or 10+ police turing up to shop robbery it should be...
  9. Ben Clark

    Tow Trailers

    [Tow Trailers] You don't see much RP with Tow Trailers in the server. I think adding trailers in the server will bring some good RP. With mechanic jobs it would be nice to see people using Bisons or Bobcats or other vehicles with a tow bars dragging trailers around and collecting cars. There are...
  10. Ben Clark

    Make police vehicles harder to put on the tow truck

    Another suggetion that makes life harder for crims and makes life easier for the police -1 Should be for everyone not just the police
  11. Ben Clark

    Police Changes

    If you fully read the suggestion i did not say that your twisting the suggestion about. You are the only one who has brought up about using non-lethals in a lethal situation. In the suggestion under the bit where i mentioned when i was on my G6 character when 4+ firearms was pointing AR's at a...
  12. Ben Clark

    Police Changes

    This what you mentioned is a big issue. A person has had a bad experience with a police officer in RP so the person goes through the effert in fileing a detailed complaint. Why should that person chase the complaint up. You leave your phone number on the complaint form. The officer should be...
  13. Ben Clark

    Police Changes

    The thing is its easier to mention it all on the forums ive made many complaints at MRPD front desk and no one gets back to you so i dont know where to go from there if its not getting delt with in RP
  14. Ben Clark

    Police Changes

    Before Reading this suggestion dont make it into a Crims vs Police in the comments we are all adults and everyone can put there opinions in how they are feeling about it. I Think some of the police RP in the city lately is shocking I'm not saying all the police But some these police. I can say...
  15. Ben Clark

    Reduce payouts on Sanitation jobs (Bins)

    Drug prices need to be increased then you will see more people selling drugs.