PS come to thinking could you give me a little longer video as one of your friend might have abused the red zone concept by just standing at the edge of it and coming and going out or maybe just standing right 1 cm next to if which is the reason why you were able to get us.
Am not sure if you think saying “khaki cunt” is racist but in my defense I’ll just say I think your just mad about this all and should’ve talked to me about it before coming up with a report as you’ve fully miss understood the whole thing. I wouldn’t am not planning on saying such stuff not...
if you look in first vid as am landing you can hear the person breaking server rule
(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must...