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Recent content by basedalex

  1. basedalex

    wow hey ur pretty good

    wow hey ur pretty good
  2. basedalex

    Help Staticz build a new PC

    http://www.logicalincrements.com/ great website right here!! you could also try posting to the BuildaPC subreddit and im sure you'll get a few good replies
  3. basedalex

    Dark's Departure.

    long life to you
  4. basedalex

    Dark's Departure.

    I play space engineers and the witcher 3 but i also play whatever seems interesting to me
  5. basedalex


  6. basedalex

    Fare thee well, a place I once enjoyed.

    Farewell and thank you for doing my PA when I joined the police!!
  7. basedalex

    Weird arma crash?

    Do you play on a laptop?
  8. basedalex

    PC exhaust pipe

    What case have you got there
  9. basedalex

    PC exhaust pipe

    Yeah, room temp is the problem. My PC just heats the whole room and opening the window doesn't really help. I purchased quite a few fans but I found out after that I only have one fan slot thing on the mobo. SO I have an exhaust fan on the rear and an intake on the top. Perhaps the intake being...
  10. basedalex

    PC exhaust pipe

    Is it possible to install a piping system in which hot air leaves the PC through a pipe and gets exhausted outside. I think you would need to have a few fans installed within the pipe to help with the airflow though. Sounds a bit silly but I think it's a good idea. All help and advice appreciated. ?
  11. basedalex

    How To Get Better FPS?

    thats a big problem. a dualcore cpu is a no-go for arma. if you save money, i would consider upgrading to a better amd cpu or get a new mobo + at least an intel i5.
  12. basedalex

    The Ellington Kid

  13. basedalex

    sorry i took your name

    sorry i took your name
  14. basedalex

    VoN Codec?

    I was looking at the 1.58 Update changelog when I happened across this: " Added: A new VoN Codec implementation based on Opus (can be enabled by setting vonCodec = 1; in the server.cfg) " Does this improve the VoN communications in-game (i.e. will it make the sound quality better in direct)...
  15. basedalex

