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Recent content by Anthony_J

  1. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - tommyT - GTA RP

    Apologies for the wait @tommyT Unfortunately given this issue occurred nearly a month ago, we are unable to provide any compensation in this case. In future, please be more proactive with any compensation requests you may wish to submit. Compensation Denied
  2. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - jenny5211 - GTA RP

    @jenny5211 Known bug caused the loss of cash. Compensation Approved +£20000 If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide. Keep in mind, you will also have a limit of 7 days from the approval of this compensation request to...
  3. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    @JYeeXtreme The vehicle did indeed disappear therefore the compensation to pull it back out will be issued! Compensation Approved +£40000 If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide. Keep in mind, you will also have a limit...
  4. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - AdamD - GTA RP

    @AdamD This is an issue we are investigating, if it continues please continue to let us know :) Compensation Approved 1x Flame Torch 1x Mechanic Kit 1x Ceramic Pistol If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide. Keep in mind...
  5. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - JYeeXtreme - GTA RP

    Morning @JYeeXtreme Do you have a clip of the Omnis e-GT de-spawning after attempting to pull it out ?
  6. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - Dan Williams - GTA RP

    @Dan Williams Speaker vanished when trying to get it off the ground. Compensation Approved x1 Portable Speaker If you're unaware of how to claim your compensation, you can follow the "Claiming Your Compensation" Guide. Keep in mind, you will also have a limit of 7 days from the approval...
  7. Anthony_J

    Elgato Stream Deck Mk.2

    this has recently been added for surgical gloves - /c sgloves
  8. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - Miyoko - GTA RP

    APPROVED Due to a casino bug that caused your character to stand-up mid blackjack game you are compensated amount of chips that you placed down. Total compensated: 100,000 Blackjack chips
  9. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - Doctor Box - GTA RP

    Approved 30 x Heroin
  10. Anthony_J

    Yeah will do :);)

    Yeah will do :);)
  11. Anthony_J

    Residential Burglary

  12. Anthony_J

    Report a player - 871,1058 (Same Person) - GTA RP

    It was me who provided the video and was the person dealing with the reported person
  13. Anthony_J

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for living in Wales
  14. Anthony_J

    Compensation Request - SneakyManSteve - Altis Life

    Here:https://streamable.com/z6siki So as I disconnected because my audio didn't work I aborted to lobby where a message followed saying I decapitated myself. I joined back and my gear was gone 