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Recent content by AdamD

  1. AdamD

    CCTV In Shops/Stores

    Agree, maybe an option to pay for each section seperately at a high cost, each time you buy one they raise price etc.
  2. AdamD

    Compensation Request - AdamD - GTA RP

    Character Name: Adam Davies Character ID: 104318 Steam ID: 76561198141812126 Game: GTA RP Date: Mar 8, 2025 Please Provide Full Details: Stuck in a crashloop on the zancudo battleship, Managed to stay in city for a minute so took off in Heli, crashed again flew back in and was...
  3. AdamD

    The new drug system

    I’m sure things will improve, P.S no one was charged 40k that’s nonsense 😂😂
  4. AdamD

    Portable Game Console

    Many of times a search hasn’t been conducted properly and I’ve managed to get a text out or message in a groupie with essential comms for a breakout attempt, I feel this would take this away in my opinion!
  5. AdamD

    Wheel Clamps/Stop Police impounded vehicles from getting stolen (so easily)

    Love it, think it would add an extra avenue for RP for the police, mechanic job is very antisocial and this could be something more exciting!
  6. AdamD

    Officer Dent

    Very big shout out to officer Dent who was part of an RP situation with the occult yesterday, we thanked him at the time yesterday but want to thank him again on the forums as it’s a little easier doing it here! There’s a lot of negativity towards the police recently and Dent provided excellent...
  7. AdamD

    The Occult Bonfire Night

    Thanks everyone for attending and thanks to staff for your support with it all! 💪
  8. AdamD

    Server wipe, reset economy, fix half the problems

    I’m not against and economy wipe but can I ask your opinion why you feel a wipe would help you? You’ve mentioned you’re stuck in the cycle of bins>illegal>loose>bins which I completely understand that cycle. How does a wipe stop you doing that again but starting from zero?
  9. AdamD

    Community Improvements (speak your mind)

    This was a response to me shark fishing the weekend, 10+ units on scene majority firearms with 2 police boats and a car, couldn’t believe the response we hadn’t even put the anchor down and they were on us 😂 the ones who did stay in the cells had great interactions with them including a guy...
  10. AdamD

    Alt-eye interactions

    I’d imagine it would take a considerable amount of work to do something like that especially picking/choosing which points it can be and can’t be used, good suggestion IMO but I’d rather cope with it how it is and see other things introduced/changed with the time that could be spent on this.
  11. AdamD


    I think bins made a massive impact when it came out but i think its at a point which is fair now, You cant do it on your own but you can do taxi/mechanic on your own. Bins is a social job for a civ and there aren't many which are like this and it should be looked at from a social aspect rather...
  12. AdamD

    Section 18 (S18)

    Agree with all of the above, great bunch and always do their group proud, smashing it!
  13. AdamD

    Vincent, Tarquin and Harold

    You were an amazing driver and a very good sport thank you for being our driver great RP!! 👍
  14. AdamD

    Compensation Request - AdamD - GTA RP

    Character Name: Adam Davies Character ID: 104318 Steam ID: 76561198141812126 Game: GTA RP Date: Aug 26, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Hi, I logged out with head armour equipped around 10:30-11pm on t25/08/24, relogged in the following day around 10-11am and the head armour was not...
  15. AdamD

    GTA RP - Collected 1x crate from paleto city hall comp

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Adam Davies Steam ID: 76561198141812126 Date: Aug 21, 2024 Time: 20:29 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Collected 1x crate from paleto city hall comp Provide a full description of the bug: Crate does not work, does not act like a crate when moving...