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Recent content by adam_lid

  1. adam_lid

    Cigarettes and Tobacco

    After playing a few RedM servers, one thing I always miss when on FiveMis having to buy cigarettes and cigars to physically emote them in the game. I feel this would be a great addition to the server and follow the same rules as fruit picking, with tobacco plants growing on Cayo Perico and being...
  2. adam_lid

    Bringing Archie Back! B.A.B

  3. adam_lid

    Cerys Coleman/Lid/Botty

    So many good things came from joining this server and I’m glad you did, so many great memories but all things must come to an end.  Thank you and @Ryan Bottyfor all the laughs and I wish you both all the best with your lives ✌️❤️ 
  4. adam_lid

    Lid out

    I love you @Alex Ferrari
  5. adam_lid

    Lid out

    Golden meme haha! You too dude ❤️
  6. adam_lid

    Lid out

    @L1L as @Normanonce said 'It's time to put a Lid on this'
  7. adam_lid

    Lid out

    I am sure quite a few people who I've been close to in this community know that I decided to kill off my character Adam Lid a couple of months ago. I have really enjoyed every minute I spent in this community and wouldn't have gotten as far as I did if it wasn't for @Archiehelping me out and...
  8. adam_lid

    Cant buy from gallery

    Steam ID: 76561198886703337 Character ID: 367 When did this happen: 06/22/23 Summary: Gallery shop not working Full Description: When purchasing paintings/statues no money gets taken out of your account or pockets and no items get added to your house storage (no sale being made), this is...
  9. adam_lid

    Saving Private Alex

    Was all good fun mate hahha, wasn't ever gonna leave you on that cliff Think it'll be the last Chilliad trip for a while though...
  10. adam_lid

    All Time Top Criminals - To Date

    From interactions I've had it's got to be : 1. Old Man (still never been caught) 2. Cottoneye 3. Father Augustus 4. Pope 5. KC 6. Jack McKenzie  7. Werthers Brothers 8. Criminal Services 9. Fulton 10. Ju Long
  11. adam_lid

    Roof disappearing on Banshee 900R

    Steam ID: 76561198886703337 Character ID: 56416 When did this happen: 02/06/23 Summary: Roof disappearing on Banshee 900R Full Description: With the Banshee 900R, there is no option to remove the roof at the customs however sometimes when you get the car out of storage it'll come out...
  12. adam_lid

    A shop for Clinton Fuel

    Big +1 from me. So much good RP from Sammy and Drex. Would love to see this.
  13. adam_lid

    ye m8 doing gr8

    ye m8 doing gr8
  14. adam_lid


  15. adam_lid

    Compensation Request - adam_lid - GTA RP

    The blacklight headlights look blue/purpleish, they aren't black it's more of a UV colour