Not sure if this is allowed, but i'm a upset about the situation, and just want to spread the word and help & do as much as I can for a dear friend & the family.
So here's the background. One of my closest friends, and her two little children are homeless. Nobody will help them, all help that is out there has not been offered to them, like they don't matter. On top of this my friends mum sadly suddenly passed away. Which has now left more children homeless as her siblings now have no home. So with these children all homeless not knowing what is going to happen from day to day, and the funeral costs. I'm spreading this everywhere as much as I possibly can to spread the word. I know times maybe tough for many people, but even if you could just share the link, or donate, or both, I personally would be so grateful and my friend & her siblings would be even more so. No matter how small or big, every little bit of help is greatly appreciated.
For me this situation is pretty heartbreaking because in situations like this, there's not much you can do or say to make things better. Being homeless for one was breaking point, losing her mum is even worse. So any support or help is truly appreciated. Shit happens to good people, & I'm gutted to see my girl go through this. Just sick of her being palmed off.
Thanks for reading, & thank you for any help/donations or support in advance.
- MrsImstyle xo