Where are all the thoughts to the people who died a few weeks ago in Ankara? Yes it is awfull what happened in Brussels but I didn't see people writing something about what happened in Turkey.
at 20 o clock I'll be playing the final of an esl cup. We're playing against a better team on paper we'll see how it will be in practice. Wish me luck (sadly enough mostly I will be talking polish because I'm playing with polish mates)
I was playing some csgo with my friends and got to play against a british cs pro player who's playing for Nerdrage. He played decent but against me it's hard to win, Just kidding haha http://imgur.com/Igq4YZt Didn't manage do get the screenshot with him on it because he left the game before it ended #ragequit kappa
Hellooo my friends changed my streamlanguage from Polish to English, so I will be streaming in English from now on if somebody wants to see some decent plays in csgo hop in and say hello. If my computer will allow it I'll try to stream some arma. http://www.twitch.tv/polski_belg_