(G2.1) Microphone
Microphones are required on RPUK servers.
(G2.2) Language
All players are required to be able to speak English, and should
do so while communicating with players outside of their group.
Roleplaying as a speaker of another language is allowed, however
please consider that when speaking to other players they may only
understand English.
(G2.3) Roleplay Everything
You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed
Admin authorises you to speak out of character.
(G2.4) Value of Life
At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly
outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with
(G2.6) OOC Help
OOC chat is for help only, extended OOC interactions are
(G2.7) OOC Roleplay
You must not use OOC chat to broadcast events that you observe
for example, you may not broadcast "X are going to rob the
(G2.8) In-game Communications
When your communication devices have been taken from you by
another player, you must not use external methods or your phone to
communicate with anyone else. Only ingame VOIP is to be used in
this case.
(G2.9) Transferring Items/Money
Permanent ban
Transferring money or items between your own characters is not
allowed by any method.
(G2.10) Inactivity
If you are inactive for more than a month at a time we may
automatically delete your ownership of buildings.
(G2.11) Non-Consensual Sexual RP
Permanent ban
Rape, Sexual Assault or ANY perceived non-consensual sexual contact be it through "/me", emotes, voice, etc. MUST be consented to out of character by all parties present and staff made aware of this agreement in a RPUK Discord ticket prior to this RP taking place.
(G2.12) Poor Quality Roleplay
You must provide quality roleplay at all times taking into account every players direct and indirect experience.
The following list of examples include but are not limited to;
"Hands Hands Hands" and "Hands up or die" as a first interaction with a player are not acceptable standards of roleplay.
Downing a player that refuses to say a specific phrase in order to identify them is considered poor quality roleplay. Be original.
Not providing medical roleplay at any stage during a situation where your intentions are to revive them.
Attempting to avoid the aftermath of a situation where you are downed by using /me dead or /me no pulse or similar.
You will be judged by the staff team on a case by case basis and the rule will follow the Fair Ban System unless in extreme/repeated cases.