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GTA RP Rules


Roleplay UK GTA RP Rules

Created 20/02/2014 - Last Updated 26/01/2024

Useful Links: Community Rules - Rule Changelog (Todo Link) - Rule Feedback (Todo Link) - Ask a Question (Todo Link)

There have been changes since you last viewed the rules!

(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.
(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) Mass RDM is a permanent ban Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)
(G1.3) Baiting Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples: Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.
(G1.4) Spam Do not spam the OOC chat, /me or Tweedle.
(G1.5) Powergaming Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win. Example: Roleplaying superpowers, roleplaying fatal injuries when they were only minor to avoid roleplaying with the emergency services, sealing buildings with cars to prevent entrance of other players, using knowledge of the rules within roleplay.
(G1.6) Being In Character What happens in Roleplay needs to stay within Roleplay. Do not bring in character issues outside of the game, likewise do not bring your real life issues with other players into the game. You ARE NOT your character and they ARE NOT you.
(G1.7) Community Leaders Players who are business owners, organisation leaders or high ranking police officers/NHS personnel. These players should be a leading source of quality story lines and consistently strong roleplayers. Thus will be held to a higher standard under our rules and guidelines. If you wish to become a community leader, you should consistently create roleplay scenarios of a high standard for yourself and others.
(G1.8) Fail Driving Unrealistic driving is not permitted. Unrealistic driving is defined as performing unrealistic stunt jumps, driving off the side of cliffs/highways and driving on like nothing happened, and driving at extremely excessive speeds while in urban areas. During police chases excessive speed is permitted. If you experience an accident then you are expected to roleplay out the accident, both from your health perspective and the damage to your vehicle.
(G2.1) Microphone Microphones are required on RPUK servers.
(G2.2) Language All players are required to be able to speak English, and should do so while communicating with players outside of their group. Roleplaying as a speaker of another language is allowed, however please consider that when speaking to other players they may only understand English.
(G2.3) Roleplay Everything You must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed Admin authorises you to speak out of character.
(G2.4) Value of Life At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.
(G2.6) OOC Help OOC chat is for help only, extended OOC interactions are forbidden
(G2.7) OOC Roleplay You must not use OOC chat to broadcast events that you observe for example, you may not broadcast "X are going to rob the bank".
(G2.8) In-game Communications When your communication devices have been taken from you by another player, you must not use external methods or your phone to communicate with anyone else. Only ingame VOIP is to be used in this case.
(G2.9) Transferring Items/Money Permanent ban Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.
(G2.10) Inactivity If you are inactive for more than a month at a time we may automatically delete your ownership of buildings.
(G2.11) Non-Consensual Sexual RP Permanent ban Rape, Sexual Assault or ANY perceived non-consensual sexual contact be it through "/me", emotes, voice, etc. MUST be consented to out of character by all parties present and staff made aware of this agreement in a RPUK Discord ticket prior to this RP taking place.
(G2.12) Poor Quality Roleplay You must provide quality roleplay at all times taking into account every players direct and indirect experience. The following list of examples include but are not limited to; "Hands Hands Hands" and "Hands up or die" as a first interaction with a player are not acceptable standards of roleplay. Downing a player that refuses to say a specific phrase in order to identify them is considered poor quality roleplay. Be original. Not providing medical roleplay at any stage during a situation where your intentions are to revive them. Attempting to avoid the aftermath of a situation where you are downed by using /me dead or /me no pulse or similar. You will be judged by the staff team on a case by case basis and the rule will follow the Fair Ban System unless in extreme/repeated cases.
(G3.1) OOC Information Permanent ban Minimum 1-month cooldown Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.
(G3.2) Session IDs / Collar Numbers You are not allowed to identify players in game solely via session ID. Police or NHS ranks and collar numbers are fine, as they “wear clothing with the rank on“ unless they are undercover. (Not in their uniform or masked.)
(G3.3) Hot Mic While external communications are discouraged, if used, you must hot-mic all communications that have been made over any external methods or phone conversation when they are relevant to influencing the course of roleplay. This means that if you are communicating to fellow team members via any external methods or phone conversation and you are in audio proximity range of another player (they can hear you or your hands are up), you must hot mic any commands given so the rival player can overhear.
(G3.4) OOC Tweedles Use of the Tweedle app is considered in-character information and as such no OOC information, or information which breaches NLR should be tweeted.
(G3.5) Character Separation Using information you have gained through the play of other characters to influence the course of roleplay, either directly or passing this information to a 3rd party to tell your character. Example: Character A is a cop that knows a raid is about to happen on a gang, Character B (same player) is a member of a rival gang. Character B does not know about the raid, Character A is unable to tell someone else to tell Character B about the raid. Character A may not use Character B's vehicles or assets.
When you respawn, your character is transported to a hospital. You have no knowledge of what led to the situation that caused you to be in the hospital. You are expected to forget anything that could give you information on how you ended up respawning. Once you respawn, you still remember your friends, vehicles, houses, stashes, etc but have no memory of anyone involved in the situation leading to your respawn. If an altercation has occurred with another player(s) that caused you to respawn, once you awaken in the hospital (i.e. respawn), the feud that caused that player(s) to attack you is settled. If a relationship is directly responsible or is the over-arching cause for your respawn, (e.g. a friendship or lover) the relationship between those character ends with the respawn. The relationship must not be continued immediately after the respawn. The relationship can be rekindled over time with the consent of all parties involved.
(G4.1) A new life starts, after you respawn, when:
  • Your character has had to respawn in any roleplay situation except as per (G4.2).
(G4.2) A new life does not start if you respawn when:
  • You have been informed by a member of the staff team via the Game Server, Forums, Teamspeak or Discord due to clearcut cases of RVDM or RDM.
(G4.3) When you respawn and NLR applies:
  • Your character does not remember any of the previous roleplay situation.
  • Any feud your character had with their killer(s) is ended.
  • If your character respawns as an exit strategy from a relationship then the relationship dies with them.
  • Your character must not return to the location where you died/bled-out for at least 15 minutes.
  • Your character must not re-enter the situation that caused you to respawn and must excuse themselves from the situation if they accidentally enter it.
(G4.4) When you are downed:
  • You have been injured to the point that you have been incapacitated and you must roleplay your injuries. You have not yet been killed; this only occurs when you respawn.
  • When roleplaying your injuries, you must not make direct reference to the in-game respawn timer.
(G4.5) When you have been revived:
  • You have been given medical treatment and must continue to roleplay your injuries with the medical treatment in mind.
  • When you are being treated by a medic, you must be mindful that you have just been injured and you must not just run off after you have been revived unless there is a strong roleplay reason to do so.
  • Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.
  • Due to your injuries, you must not enter any combat situation until at least 15 minutes have passed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat, in which case you must still roleplay your injuries.
  • Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed.
(G5.1) Character Names Please use a valid first name, last name combo. Do not use names of well known characters, celebrities, political figures, criminals, terrorists etc…
(G5.2) Believable Character Roles If you wish to roleplay as a lawyer, it may not be realistic that you will repair your car at the roadside, or shoot and kill a man for scratching your vehicle. Pick a style that suits your character's backstory and role and stick to it. You have multiple character slots for a reason!
(G5.3) Character Death Your character can permanently die (be deleted) as a result of an RP scenario provided you and the other parties involved agree to it. Such a request would need to be directed to staff, thereafter the staff team may or may not comply with this request, depending on the situation.
(G5.4) Mass Murder If you decide to make a character that goes on a spree of killing players and NPC’s, players should be aware that once caught these types of character will be given the maximum punishments available and staff members may ask you to switch characters. (Perma-Death) Repeatedly creating characters with this same play-style may result in a ban.
(G5.5) Group Names Business, gang and group names must be realistic. Unrealistic or legally-problematic names such as (but not limited to) 'gang gang', 'Gucci gang', etc.. will be deleted without notice.
(G5.6) Wanted Level Criminals should be aware that committing a string of crimes will generate more attention of the police and therefore higher fines and prison times. For the most serious of offenders police can permanently imprison a character with staff team approval. Repeated, 'ganking' or 'griefing' of very low-level newcomers to the server by high-level, rich or powerful criminal characters, thus rendering them disproportionately badly-affected at the start of their character's life will similarly be regarded as highly antisocial RP, and is likely to increase the chance of a lifetime in prison for such repeat OP offenders. Staff team will decide, in these instances.
(G5.7) Character Growth Your character should have long term growth. Your character should not join our server on creation and instantly be a millionaire crime lord. All characters should grow into their roles – initially starting off with few resources and knowledge of the city.
(G6) Emergency Buildings Loitering around emergency buildings (Police Stations, Fire Stations and Hospitals) without a valid roleplay story is not allowed.
(G7.1) Hostages Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a very high quality. Aim to make the scenario enjoyable for everyone.
(G7.2) Fake hostages Willing participants must not be used as hostages (e.g. your character's group/gang members, friends).
(G7.3) Executions Executing another player must be realistic and be carried out with high quality roleplay. Example: To cut someone's throat you must have a bladed weapon
(G7.4) Phone Warning You are unable to use the ingame phone to warn the police for example “Any cops seen within ‘x’km will be shot on site.”
(G7.5) Police Sirens When the Police put on their sirens lights to pull you over to attend a scene this does not mean RP has been initiated on their point, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.
(G7.6) Spike strips Use of spike strips doesn't constitute any form of roleplay. Failure to engage in quality roleplay is classed as RDM.
(G7.7) Similar/Conflicting Characters You may only have one character in a gang or legal profession at any one time. If you have multiple characters in contrasting sides of a story you must choose only one to progress that story with
(G8.1) Removed
(G8.2) Police Equipment Selling Police may not sell their equipment, or willingly give their equipment away. If there is a strong roleplay cause, exchanges can be made.
(G8.3) Police Position Abuse You must not abuse your role as a cop to help out your friends. (For example: Removing charges of your gang members without sufficient roleplay reason)
(G8.4) Removed
(G8.5) Removed
(G8.6) Police Station Attack NLR Timer If a police station is attacked, the 15 minute NLR does not apply to the Police and they may re-enter the situation at will. Because police stations are assumed to be filled with law enforcement 24/7, as well as CCTV, attacking one is a foolish move and undertaken at your own risk.
(G8.7) Police Corruption Non Reportable Rule Police Officers may not roleplay corruption, this rule may not be used to report players and is actioned on a case-by-case basis as determined by Staff/Dev Leads & Management.
(G9.1) Removed
(G9.2) Medics/Firefighters Equipment Selling Medics and firefighters may not sell their equipment, or willingly give their equipment away.
(G9.3) Following Gangs Medics and firefighters are not allowed to follow gangs, Police or the Lost MC around. Please patrol the full county of San Andreas or whatever hospital area you have been assigned to.
(G9.4) Medic/Firefighter Hostages Medics and firefighters can be killed with strong roleplay justification (They refuse to cooperate when they are threatened), but you may not take them hostage
(G9.5) Medic/Firefighter Position Abuse You must not abuse your role as a medic or firefighter to assist your friends in any way.
(G9.6) Removed
(G9.7) Combat Reviving If combat is in effect the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time.
(G9.8) Emergency Vehicles It is forbidden to take NHS/Fire vehicles without consent.
(G10.1) Removed
(G10.2) Lost MC Alliances The Lost MC may form alliances with other gangs or individuals only on a temporary basis. Non-aggression pacts are allowed.
(G10.3) Removed
(G10.4) Removed
(G10.5) Removed
(G10.6) Lost MC Clubhouse Attack NLR Timer If the Lost MC clubhouse is attacked, the 15 minute NLR does not apply to The Lost MC and they may re-enter the situation.
(G10.7) Lost / Firm Characters Players may not have characters that are members of both the Lost MC & "The Firm"
(G11.1) Group Death If your character is killed in connection with being removed from a group, that character can never rejoin that group again.
(G11.2) Zerg Forming alliances or coordinating in any way between groups during attacks on other groups or factions is strictly prohibited. Coordination encompasses activities such as body pickup, spotting, relaying information, and simultaneous combat.
(G11.2.1) Temporary Groups Temporary groups/alliances, limited to 6 characters, may form between members of different groups for high-quality roleplay reasons. Considered as a separate entity during the scenario, they adhere to the conditions outlined in (G11.2).
(G11.3) War Timer In case of prolonged mutually aggressive roleplay, a 2-week timer will be imposed. If group leads can't agree on a resolution within this period, staff will impartially intervene based on established rules. The outcome may result in no designated winner. Post-war, a two-week cooldown prevents immediate conflict between the same groups.
(G11.3.1) War Recruitment In a war scenario, groups cannot recruit or add new F6 members.
(G11.4) Recruitment Restrictions Individuals who have left a whitelisted gang/group, whether voluntarily, forcefully or otherwise will be subject to a mandatory 1-month cool down period before joining another whitelisted group.
(G11.5) Ongoing Hostile Situations When joining the server, you cannot involve yourself in any ongoing hostile situations involving your group/faction for 15 minutes.
Exceptions can be made in certain circumstances i.e.. Needing to relog or connection timeouts. However, the usual protocol should be followed, such as reaching out to players involved and informing staff etc.
(G11.6) Group Limit A player may only have 1 character in a whitelisted gang/group at any time. For example, if you have a character in the Apostles, you may not have another character in the Aztecas at the same time.
A list of the whitelisted gangs/groups, at the time of publish is as follows: Apostles, Aztecas, Ballas, Callaghans, Coalition, Cutlass, Cypress, Fallen Angels MC, Grove, Hustlers, Marabunta, Padrinos, Nobles, Triads, Vagos.
This list is subject to change at any point at the discretion of the staff/development team.