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Crosshair X and other easily abused 3rd Party apps


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Good Evening Staff and fellow members of the community!

I am making this post for one reason and one reason only, to create a more fair and friendly environment for the Role-players of our lovely community!

Now My goal here is to get the use of all Third Party Crosshair software banned from use in the server, I will give my points after a few short words, The use of third party software such as Crosshair X and HudSight create a clear unfair advantage when it comes to shootouts within the server, or any other gun related conflict, Too often I feel I'm seeing clips of people running around with big and bright crosshairs that are just unnecessary within a ROLEPLAY server.

To me it feels there are too many people here for the purpose of shooting one another like it was a 2015 Black Ops 2 Lan Event, you see them often on the report pages and clips pages even on YouTube running around 4:3 aspect ratio, the lowest graphics possible, and grand ol' crosshair slap bang in the middle.

Reasons Myself and I know a few other feel it should be banned

1# Now its very clear using these third party software bring a clear unfair advantage in the server when it comes to gun conflict, I know a lot of people will disagree with this post (The ones abusing the software) but I know a lot of people here will agree that it creates an unfair advantage.

Do you really need it? Are you that washed at shooting you NEED a massive crosshair to assist you in your aim? there's a lot of people who do so much better without using a crosshair at all! (Myself included)

Let me remind you of what this server is for...R TO THE O TO THE L TO THE E....not going to do the whole thing but you get where I'm going, ROLEPLAY! We are here for one reason and one thing only! to create interesting roleplaying scenarios with each other and make lifelong friends along the way! now I know Gang Roleplay is a big part of the server and I'm not trying to get that scrapped at all, In fact some of the most fun I've had is with some of the Group Leaders, My whole point here is if you are running around with a big shiny crosshair, are you really here for roleplay? you're basically just driving around waiting for someone to say the wrong thing so you can blast em and dump em.

Lets be honest now, its straight up cheating, its a third party software, its almost up there with Aimbot and walls, its not meant to be in the server so come on now, stop it.

*Optional Suggestion*
My Fifth point is going to be a HOT take, I want to push to get rid of the default crosshair as well, now I don't know how it would work in code or whatnot but I'm sure it's possible, Now Roleplay.co.uk is a SERIOUS roleplay server that strives to be realistic, now I'm correct to assume this then I think its only right to get rid of the default crosshair, it provides no sense of realism, if I was to go out and buy a gun today all I would have is my iron sights (or scope lul) Anyways my point is i think it would create some very funny moments and increase the intensity when it came to shootouts, it would make people have to work on their aim and i think it would be very amusing to see, just imagine the gang shootouts with no crosshair. be like watching star wars with all the storm trooper aim.

Anyways that last point was just optional I don't really mind if the default stays or goes just more of an emersion thing, but Crosshair X and HudSight and all those shitty third party apps got to go!

I'm more then open to discussion on the topic so if you have counter points (there will be counter points I assume) then please step forward and lets have an adult discussion on the subject!

Have a great day and I hope you enjoyed reading my Essay!
I am fully on board with this and even tried to push this myself donkeys ago! Your final point is also 100% very easily possible from a code POV as it's a HUD element, super great suggestion mega +1
Would be impossible to enforce as people have monitors which display crosshairs that dont show up on any recording
That is true yes, my monitor also has this feature, although its a massive 5 ring fighter jet looking crosshair from a WW2 Game lmao, I feel this could be easily sussed out though as with no crosshair you're bound to miss a lot of shots right? Idk I do feel it could be easily spotted though
That is true yes, my monitor also has this feature, although its a massive 5 ring fighter jet looking crosshair from a WW2 Game lmao, I feel this could be easily sussed out though as with no crosshair you're bound to miss a lot of shots right? Idk I do feel it could be easily spotted though
I feel as though people would resort to post it notes in that case 😂
See I myself only see this as useful if it removed the default crosshair. As I can not see the white dot at all. Why should I disadvantage myself with not using any (because I struggle to see the default crosshair and Rockstar does not have a lot of customisation for it) if someone could still use the in game one. I already disadvantage myself with fact my red dot crosshair has a delay appearing when I aim.

Ultimately some people use it for accessibility reasons. And also FiveM has built in crosshair maker if you know how to do console command on CSGO for crosshairs it works on fivem too.

While some people use it to get unfair permanent crosshair it helps those with visual related impairments. So unless everyone is at same disadvantage of no in game crosshair and its banned I don't see why it should be banned.
See I myself only see this as useful if it removed the default crosshair. As I can not see the white dot at all. Why should I disadvantage myself with not using any (because I struggle to see the default crosshair and Rockstar does not have a lot of customisation for it) if someone could still use the in game one. I already disadvantage myself with fact my red dot crosshair has a delay appearing when I aim.

Ultimately some people use it for accessibility reasons. And also FiveM has built in crosshair maker if you know how to do console command on CSGO for crosshairs it works on fivem too.

While some people use it to get unfair permanent crosshair it helps those with visual related impairments. So unless everyone is at same disadvantage of no in game crosshair and its banned I don't see why it should be banned.
There is a method of changing the default crosshair within FiveM using I believe /xhair <colour> or /crosshair <colour>
See I myself only see this as useful if it removed the default crosshair. As I can not see the white dot at all. Why should I disadvantage myself with not using any (because I struggle to see the default crosshair and Rockstar does not have a lot of customisation for it) if someone could still use the in game one. I already disadvantage myself with fact my red dot crosshair has a delay appearing when I aim.

Ultimately some people use it for accessibility reasons. And also FiveM has built in crosshair maker if you know how to do console command on CSGO for crosshairs it works on fivem too.

While some people use it to get unfair permanent crosshair it helps those with visual related impairments. So unless everyone is at same disadvantage of no in game crosshair and its banned I don't see why it should be banned.
I see your points, For accessibility reasons maybe there could be exceptions made, or even in the GTA settings you can increase the crosshair size, or use the complex crosshair which is a cross
There is a method of changing the default crosshair within FiveM using I believe /xhair <colour> or /crosshair <colour>
Also to note just tried this no success and google is only giving me "cl_crosshaircolor <int>" what is for the custom basically always there crosshair
+1 seen wayy to many people playing like its CSGO, stretched 4:3 resolution, custom crosshair and all their graphics set to low even lower than low in some cases ive seen. Nothing about that screams roleplay it reminds me of the low quality fivem servers that are just cops and gangs you can find where everyone just "initiates" on eachother 24/7 and thats the only rp that happens.

Im all for saying yes keep it as granted there's SOME people who use it for specific reasons to assist with rp. But for the people with their setup looking like theyre practicing fragging for an esports tournament with their stretched res ect it really shouldnt be brushed over and i feel it says alot about their priorities on the server.
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People who generally need it to see fair enough, its impossible to control, but people who are found using it, through videos ect along with the "One Dead, One Dead" "DEAD DEAD DEAD" Mentality who literally only come to the server to frag should be penalised or removed. Sheds the community in such a shit light, Sure gunfights are part of the game but the people who actively only come on the server to flex their virtual egos and act hard because they have a gun in a video game and will look for any and all chance to use it should just be removed... Remove Crosshair X or punish people who use it who are only here to frag through footage ect imo.
As much as I agree, there is also no point.

Built into FiveM itself its a free custom crosshair system, using almost the same commands as CS:GO/CS2 in the F8 menu, so there's no point banning those two pieces of software, as then everyone will move over to the inbuilt FiveM version anyway and nothing will change. Just leave it be Id say, let people use their personal preference. Its not an advantage if its available to EVERYONE and they choose use it when others don't.

At the end of the day as much as the frag mentality can ruin the server, its a big part of the gang side of roleplay, which is primarily what the server is and has been for a long time as much of a problem as it has been and is and as much as most of the community hate it. There's many many other things that could be done I feel in changing that mentality, that doesn't involve something minor, such as banning people for a few pixels in the middle of their screen.

Also banning people who are seen using them in reports etc, would be a quick way to stop people reporting to save themselves (because lets be real no ones gunna stop, and why should they?) which would then lead to a rise of people breaking rules because they go unpunished.

Yes I use HudSight, yes I also use the FiveM inbuilt one, but I also don't ever need to fight so half the time its toggled off, so its a 'from both sides' type of opinion I'm putting across here.
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Good Evening Staff and fellow members of the community!

I am making this post for one reason and one reason only, to create a more fair and friendly environment for the Role-players of our lovely community!

Now My goal here is to get the use of all Third Party Crosshair software banned from use in the server, I will give my points after a few short words, The use of third party software such as Crosshair X and HudSight create a clear unfair advantage when it comes to shootouts within the server, or any other gun related conflict, Too often I feel I'm seeing clips of people running around with big and bright crosshairs that are just unnecessary within a ROLEPLAY server.

To me it feels there are too many people here for the purpose of shooting one another like it was a 2015 Black Ops 2 Lan Event, you see them often on the report pages and clips pages even on YouTube running around 4:3 aspect ratio, the lowest graphics possible, and grand ol' crosshair slap bang in the middle.

Reasons Myself and I know a few other feel it should be banned

1# Now its very clear using these third party software bring a clear unfair advantage in the server when it comes to gun conflict, I know a lot of people will disagree with this post (The ones abusing the software) but I know a lot of people here will agree that it creates an unfair advantage.

2# Do you really need it? Are you that washed at shooting you NEED a massive crosshair to assist you in your aim? there's a lot of people who do so much better without using a crosshair at all! (Myself included)

3# Let me remind you of what this server is for...R TO THE O TO THE L TO THE E....not going to do the whole thing but you get where I'm going, ROLEPLAY! We are here for one reason and one thing only! to create interesting roleplaying scenarios with each other and make lifelong friends along the way! now I know Gang Roleplay is a big part of the server and I'm not trying to get that scrapped at all, In fact some of the most fun I've had is with some of the Group Leaders, My whole point here is if you are running around with a big shiny crosshair, are you really here for roleplay? you're basically just driving around waiting for someone to say the wrong thing so you can blast em and dump em.

4# Lets be honest now, its straight up cheating, its a third party software, its almost up there with Aimbot and walls, its not meant to be in the server so come on now, stop it.

*Optional Suggestion*
My Fifth point is going to be a HOT take, I want to push to get rid of the default crosshair as well, now I don't know how it would work in code or whatnot but I'm sure it's possible, Now Roleplay.co.uk is a SERIOUS roleplay server that strives to be realistic, now I'm correct to assume this then I think its only right to get rid of the default crosshair, it provides no sense of realism, if I was to go out and buy a gun today all I would have is my iron sights (or scope lul) Anyways my point is i think it would create some very funny moments and increase the intensity when it came to shootouts, it would make people have to work on their aim and i think it would be very amusing to see, just imagine the gang shootouts with no crosshair. be like watching star wars with all the storm trooper aim.

Anyways that last point was just optional I don't really mind if the default stays or goes just more of an emersion thing, but Crosshair X and HudSight and all those shitty third party apps got to go!

I'm more then open to discussion on the topic so if you have counter points (there will be counter points I assume) then please step forward and lets have an adult discussion on the subject!

Have a great day and I hope you enjoyed reading my Essay!
Let me start off by saying I am by no means defending or arguing for or against anyone. I just want to argue against your suggestion for further insight on your aim.

1) Does this apply to NVE users aswell? By the sounds of it you want vanilla GTA5 which is fair enough. I could be wrong when I say some people use it to help with performance issue, aswell as those that use it for visual advantage. So do you take away from those who need it versus those that abuse it?

2) As far as I can see a crosshair doesn't apply any advantage over others. This could be considered no different to adjusting texture quality to boost your performance but what do you realisitcly gain from it other than poorer textures.

3) This reflects a lot on to your "2#" inevitably everyone has come here to roleplay in some shape or form. Reflecting on Custardcreams comment ""One Dead, One Dead" "DEAD DEAD DEAD" Mentality who literally only come to the server to frag should be penalised or removed." I can agree to some extent but these individuals do provide their own kind of RP which in turn keeps the wheels in motion between other groups. Its sometimes important to remember this is a video game and we rely on eachother to create entertainment in what is essentially a RPG sandbox. If you don't like the way they communicate or carry them selves then don't involve yourself with them.

4) Thats a hell of a stretch. I can see where you're coming from by saying it could be a advantage but to consider it cheating would mean you're always going to lose against them. You've already stated yourself "there's a lot of people who do so much better without using a crosshair at all! (Myself included)"

5) I personally don't see this as a solution but more a purging. Those that have the ability to use a monitor crosshair most likely would. People will probably start drawing on their monitors aswell.

Overall I suppose this comes back to 2# , By the sounds of it you're at no disadvantage and consider yourself better off without it so my reaslistic answer is what is the problem?

This is not a argument for or against 3rd party software. I am just arguing your points made out of curiosity for your resolutions. I don't realisticly see it happening as some 3rd party software is being used for RP purposes (such as NVE)
Built into FiveM itself its a free custom crosshair system, using almost the same commands as CS:GO/CS2 in the F8 menu, so there's no point banning those two pieces of software, as then everyone will move over to the inbuilt FiveM version anyway and nothing will change.
It's possible for us to disable the built-in crosshair.

Regarding the actual suggestion, as other people have said there isn't really anyway to properly enforce a ban on external crosshairs. At the end of the day a crosshair doesn't change how a person roleplays during non-shooting scenarios so I don't exactly see any issue with people using them myself.
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+1 if anything can be done about it, its an exploit/exterior software that gives people an unfair advantage over others in combat imo. Either removing it or forcing the reticule on for everyone 24/7 would be a problem solver
It's possible for us to disable the built-in crosshair.

Regarding the actual suggestion, as other people have said there isn't really anyway to properly enforce a ban on external crosshairs. At the end of the day a crosshair doesn't change how a person roleplays during non-shooting scenarios so I don't exactly see any issue with people using them myself.
I think the issue lies less in people using the software and more the mentality for certain people using the software, while yes in non shooting scenarios it doesnt change how they rp, the whole mindset of optimizing your game to be for shooting is where I find the issue. like i said in a past reply its very easy to see someones priorities on the server when you see their footage and they have crosshair x, stretched resolution and insanely low graphics to get those extra frames during gunfights.
+1 but not for the same reasons. Still agree it's something to be looked into, but you can barely enforce it. Will not happen probs.
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I am against the idea as it should not be considered an exploit or unfair advantage as anyone can buy CrosshairX, use the integrated FiveM crosshair, monitor crosshair or a bit of bluetac. The benefit of a crosshair is for the individual using it and nothing more than that. Most gunfights are 90% luck and 10% skill anyway when it comes to GTA.

Nevertheless, let’s get a poll going to see the majority.