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Stop falling out vehicles when downed

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Well-known member
Simple suggestion, stop people falling out from cars if they're shot/downed.
If you're on a bike or similar however it definitely makes sense that you'd fall off still though.

- Makes sense.
- Greater chance of saving lives and pro-longing RP.
- Harder to tell if you've ''Got the kill''.
- Would make it more difficult to pick up and dump people if the vehicle they're in is locked.

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Especially makes sense if someone's shot in a vehicle that's moving, if they're shot they're not going to miraculously fall out having been shot. 

+1 from me. 🤙


But I dont think they can change it (Might be wrong)

+1 Makes sense.  When you shoot locals they dont just fall out the vehicle. 


If ya get downed in a car you should remain in the car and not just fall out, makes more sense and in my opinion would be a lot better.

On the other hand, any bikes, quads or anything alike that you sit on you should definitely fall of those when downed.


If ya get downed in a car you should remain in the car and not just fall out, makes more sense and in my opinion would be a lot better.

On the other hand, any bikes, quads or anything alike that you sit on you should definitely fall of those when downed.
definitely agree! will add to suggestion!

+1 much more realistic and changes saving people/dumping people aswell.

Seen it on few other servers so it's deffo possible..

+1 I think it would be a good addition if when a player dies their car randomly turns left or right, because if you get shot your body would most likely be turning the wheel and crashing into a wall

+1 - However what happens to passengers when they want to continue to drive by switching seats? Say if they were being chased and the driver was shot, what happens then? Will the passengers be able to 'push' them out somehow or 'drag' them to a vacant seat? Or is it a case that if the driver is shot then its just a tough shit moment and everyone else has to deal with whatever happens next?

Overall though i love the suggestion! 


However what happens to passengers when they want to continue to drive by switching seats?
Realistically speaking , If the driver is down in the seat then the passenger should either shoot back or get out and try and fight, it’ll make for more decamping gun fights. I don’t think pushing someone out their seat would be an easy thing to implement. 

the suggests gets a +1 from me with the addition of kill effects being adding back

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