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When you see idiots complaining 24/7.

Go home before people come and roast you to bits.  

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I think we should be posting in respect of the hard work these people put in to the community.

If you think you could do a better job then apply for development team, but I am certain that would not be the case.

Anyway, before complaining, you should of noticed that in the past week alone, you have received:

An auction house, a boat shop, blood diamonds, smugglers outpost, officer hex uniforms, a lot of new objects + jumpers and multiple major bug fixes. Alongside lots more amazing development work for the rest of the server.

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Put on your big boy pants, learn how to code and become a developer for here. Then we can make trashy comments toward your hard work? Please always remember that they do this all unpaid and in their free time!

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The fact that there is more important things on the Server that need to be sorted and you cant see that just shows how vigilant you are. You come here with no suggestions, no effort or substance to what you want, only to complain. I believe this says Adult Community start acting like one.

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forgot that u are so good at deving a full server with 4 different factions which you have time spent in all of them


This is an actual quote from you, anyone who still thinks smoking weed makes them a big boy.

"I love waking up to stupid shit like this"

Still applies.

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