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Sausage or Bacon?

Loving the sausage gang ere haha


Every day I love waking up, opening my cell, to then feel the brisk morning air on my face, I then tend to hover to the kitchen and make a scrumptious BACON sandwich as that is the superior of the meat.

In all seriousness though, as this is a serious topic, bacon is better as it's quicker to make, more flavoursome and if done cripsy, can give you an orgasmic reaction.


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If it was a choice that I couldn't have both, and as much as I love bacon, I'd probably go with sausage... in a hog dog finger roll and some tommy sauce. 🤤

Since I've started a "Very Serious" topic here, I should be the one to tell you that at the end of the day, I am going to make a sausage AND bacon butty, thank you


Definetly a sausage that has been cooked just right! But the bacon with a crisp goes with anything so im on the edge!

Has to be bacon it can go into more things and is better tasting.

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If its Square sausage then 100% Sausage but if not bacon then 
