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  1. Frank Foreman

    Vehicle Dealerships selling by Brand not by Category

    +1 from me
  2. Frank Foreman

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    Doesn't necessarily need to be sandy, could be down at Hayes in the City etc, just somewhere that's available that fits the RP that would ensue
  3. Frank Foreman

    Lantern mc’s home!

    Yeah Red Roses one is my favourite, agree with Cursed Oni about the Tattoo situation, could provide high quality RP within the MC and also offer an avenue of revenue for the clubhouse outside of being a bar tbh
  4. Frank Foreman

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    The fact that police would be able to scrap cars here for offences is such a good idea and not even something id considered when coming up with the idea tbh, big big +1 in my opinion as could add avenues of roleplay due to having to transport car to scrapyard and engage with employees etc.
  5. Frank Foreman

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    I would somewhat agree, but I think if you time gate the scrappages, as in one person can only drop off one car per fortnight, you would only be able to do a maximum of two cars per month, meaning the flow of money back to players would be gradual, as opposed to a sudden influx. I think the RP...
  6. Frank Foreman

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    So, with imports inevitably being taken out of the server in the distant future. With the Scrapyard now sort of being freed up with Bosh moving down to the city, my suggestion would be that the the scrapyard actually be used so that imports can actually be scrapped for a percentage of the...
  7. Frank Foreman

    Uncle Frank from Tire Nutz

    I massively appreciate this! Only just getting to grips with the mechanic RP, but again massively appreciate the recognition!
  8. Frank Foreman

    Car Boosting

    Massive +1 from me! Think it would bring something with a bit more risk to the guys who reside in the street racing scene. My only query would be that you may have to work out how the keeping of the cars works due to people just taking contracts once at S Tier and keeping cars, maybe implement...
  9. Frank Foreman

    Otto's Vehicle Inventory

    Was there any update on this? I'm gonna assume probably not, but thought worth an ask just in case.
  10. Frank Foreman

    Otto's Vehicle Inventory

    Was wondering if it would be possible to implement two local cars from the base game that fall into both the coupe and compacts categories. The Brioso R/A is something that was previously sold at Autocare and I am not entirely sure if there was a reason that it was removed from the catalogue...