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  1. rickjames

    Unban Appeal - rickjames - GTA RP

    ive been tow trucking and helping around at flywheels learning the mechanic side of the city. that what i mainly do is police impounds. i had my own truck and all the last 3 months ive been working flywheels. what do you mean i haven't been sticking around for the role play? i role play around...
  2. rickjames

    Unban Appeal - rickjames - GTA RP

    because i know im not better then the rules. i got into trouble once that is enough for me to be on the straight and narrow. in long run i regret doing what i did and im sorry. im not trying to be better then anyone or pull wool over someones eyes. trust is a hard thing to recoup and all i can...
  3. rickjames

    Unban Appeal - rickjames - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Rick James Steam ID: 76561198421539061 Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk16927 Ban Reason: Banned: G2.9 & G3.5 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I traded some stuff between people. Why should we unban you: i truthfully have learned my lesson...
  4. rickjames

    Unban Appeal - rickjames - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Rick James Steam ID: 76561198421539061 Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk16927 Ban Reason: Banned: G2.9 & G3.5 Why do you think you were banned: i had an old person i didn't have much i dropped the little stuff i had on me a few poker chips a pair scissors and 1k...