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  1. Dwayne Spike

    Compensation Request - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Appreciate this thank you!
  2. Dwayne Spike

    Compensation Request - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Character Name: Dwayne Spike Character ID: 67781 Steam ID: 76561198079612698 Game: GTA RP Date: May 24, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Having a casual conversation with a friend about giving up smoking when a hacker flies through at Mach speed downing us both (Believed to be banned now) clear...
  3. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    You are missing the point yet again, KOS still applies as the video shows. You are looking to throw these up to end a RP war that can all be sorted in game but you guys have chosen not to. Instead of reporting try some RP.
  4. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    then dont agree on KOS war rules that still apply to everyone except you apparently.  https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1U5ccpoSSQTk0B/d1337ZxU1fWr?invite=cr-MSxGU3ksNzA2Nzg5NzYs if you guys were looking for 'high quality roleplay' then why come at us with this shit. That's your leader btw...
  5. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    I think you missed the point completely on waynes response. The point is grove still act on KOS rules in colours and the fact it was 8 days ago means your response of war rules being off for weeks just isnt true. We both expect this.
  6. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    You did post on tweedle , you replied to Craig and that's why we came down. Its just funny you start reporting now even though the way we have been fighting in RP has never changed. You are the only one feeling hard done by as the report shows. Next time don't agree to KOS if you just want to...
  7. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    You say there there was salt but it was you just saying ill throw a report up? If war rules wasn't in play why are we both still doing the same things we agreed on? You knew exactly what you was doing when you stood there and posted on tweedle , Then posted gps for help. Stop acting like...
  8. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    The only thing poor here is the fact you are resorting to ending a RP war with people getting banned. This has been a ongoing situation for 3 months , if you really think that wasn't going to happen after sitting on your own turf in full colours after this lengthy war then i don't know what to...
  9. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    Regardless of if you think war rules have been called off , KOS has still applied to both sides as many clips can show. To me it seems you were standing there , posting a picture on tweedle looking for someone to come down and shoot you so you could write this up. Just because you wanted to have...
  10. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 158 - GTA RP

    We have had KOS all war. You all expect this to happen just like we do. We have both done it and been fine up until now. Why the sudden report? War rules have always been in place and the only ones to disregard them are you guys. After 3 months if you wasn't expecting this to happen maybe you...
  11. Dwayne Spike

    Unban Appeal - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Morning @Danoo I really appreciate you giving me another chance and i promise to keep my record as clean as it was up until now. This was a one off thing and will make sure not to misuse OOC again. I fully agree to the wipe , thank you again. 
  12. Dwayne Spike

    Unban Appeal - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Hey @Danooi really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.  Honestly it is not something I do often , during my time back I have made sure to keep a clean slate and intended to keep it that way. I understand that this has probably caused doubt in peoples minds but this honestly was not...
  13. Dwayne Spike

    Unban Appeal - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Hey @Danoo, I'm doing well thank you and I hope you are too!  Honestly the last place I wanted to be was in the appeal section again. I have honestly done everything I possibly can to keep my nose clean and keep my head down. Unfortunately all it took was this small bit of frustration to land...
  14. Dwayne Spike

    Unban Appeal - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Dwayne Spike  In-game Name: Dwayne Spike Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198079612698 Ban ID: !!rpuk14864!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for C2.3 - Combat logging. During a RP situation things got...
  15. Dwayne Spike

    Compensation Request - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Hey @Keyeth appreciate you helping with this.  Unfortunately due to the constant crashing I was experiencing that night my medal wasn't able to get footage , I wasn't able to get it running in time. 
  16. Dwayne Spike

    Compensation Request - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Dwayne Spike Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198079612698 Character ID: 67781 The date when this happened: 07/31/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: The server was experiencing multiple crashes , i had gone to the island to collect a package and when...
  17. Dwayne Spike

    prosperity street keys

    +1 Sound group with solid RP
  18. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - Duane, Geckz & Frank NSC - GTA RP

    Okay just going to drop some things here to show how thats a lie.  https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/zW6tyaWGi-Sxb/d1337r9Ddb1U?invite=cr-MSxNd2ssNzA2Nzg5NzYs If you would like to explain how the screenshots from the apple fields from 19 days ago match the exact same car from the other...
  19. Dwayne Spike

    Report a player - 199 - GTA RP

    Hello, I'm 199 that's in question here.  First of all, we gave you plenty of roleplay and talked with you for a while before the robbery even started. After the robbery you decide to then shout 'must be down bad' as if you expect us just to do nothing. After having such 'big equipment' pointed...
  20. Dwayne Spike

    North Side Cartel

    Sound group of people , always good RP with them too! 