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  1. Father

    Adjustments to bin Jobs

    I think finding the guns is a really cool cool thing, but its way to common tbh, the amount of people that have been finding guns is crazy, would be nice if there was like maybe 1 or 2 found per restart at max but not the numbers its going at, its making certain groups & people a bit not needed...
  2. Father

    Compensation Request - Father - GTA RP

    Character Name: Father Augustus Character ID: 22311 Steam ID: 76561198151627349 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Found 2x broken SNS while searching a bin, I've been informed that they shouldn't have been broken, putting in a comp to see if i can get a fresh one...
  3. Father

    yo dickhead

    yo dickhead
  4. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    Hello PsianaRama! Well my Father Augustus character would continue in a sense of being connected with groups, i would carry out some certain things and dealings "dont want to say exactly as of meta gaming" but i would still carry out that roleplay, the Father character only plan is to hand over...
  5. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    My bad on getting the ID and steam ID wrong. I thought they were correct ( I copied them from the last appeal as I thought it would be the same) (as I said to dano last time I don't know how to do the replies on the forums so I am just gonna make yours bold in what you said and write...
  6. Father


  7. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    I don't know how to quote and reply the way you done so gonna try and just copy paste what you said with my response. I'd like to gather a further insight if possible? You've always been known as a very high quality roleplay, many people enjoyed coming across you because every interaction with...
  8. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Juan Kurt Steam ID: 76561198151627344 Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk1528 Ban Reason: C1.7 C1.2 G1.7 Why do you think you were banned: With this appeal I aim to be as transparent and honest about the entire situation surrounding my ban. I plan on giving the...
  9. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    That good morning through me off i cant lie, but i suppose it is morning. And ill be honest i didn't either And the reasoning's to why i don't want to play is real life situations that i don't want to publicly share, but i have no issues in messaging you on discord explaining it.
  10. Father

    Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Father  In-game Name: Father Augustus Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198151627344 Ban ID: !!rpuk1528!! Reason given for your ban: C1.2 C1.7 G1.7 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: T'Was the night before Christmas when the green grove...
  11. Father

    Thank you & Farewell.

    Me leaving without posting on the forums would be like Azteca's not taking a gun fight, just ain't gonna happen. I've been a part of this community for nearly 3 years now and I would be lying if i didn't say it was an absolute blast, from the RP scenarios i have been in, to the people i have...
  12. Father

    Removing certain walk styles.

    Brief Summary: Remove the run styles known as Flee, Flee2 , Flee3 , Flee4 , Flee5  Detailed Suggestion: So this run style is being used in many ways that could be seen as exploiting, or to gain an advantage over others in many of ways. So over the past couple of months i have been in a...
  13. Father

    Report a player - Aztecas - GTA RP

    I seen Apostles mentioned so i am only replying because of that, as the majority of the report is on Aztecas, i am purely replying on the part we are mentioned that you assume but i will mention the same as i have not only in group members or in OOC chat that night.  With the whole "apostles...
  14. Father


    I agree with somethings said here but its more of fine tuning and making it work correctly,  I know for one when it comes to apostles beefing we will be seen as us and will stand out as us , one thing that is actually a really good feature is having these outfits saved in group clothing now so...
  15. Father

    Audi E Tron

    I think it is better the way it is now, yes before the change it was super fast and acceleration but it just always gave me vibes of one of those "100k or die" server cars, now it actually drives normally, but still a bit fast in acceleration but not a stupid amount -1 for me, keep it as it...
  16. Father

    Groupie Suggestion

    yes please, these no-name people stay hidden in a group chat and shouldn't.
  17. Father

    Alternative method for obtaining materials.

    Imma say nothing else but a plus one 
  18. Father

    Purge Night This Halloween

    Purge is OK but is just one thing and one thing only after 30mins
  19. Father

    Frankie Green the leader of roleplay gang 'The Hustlers'

    I like Frankie I always enjoy the RP I have with him 🙂 He is very cool and funny and good company I like Frankie Green  
  20. Father

    Critical! Game breaking bug!

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