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  1. Bowen

    Report a player - 305 name unknown - GTA RP

    Hello mate. Yeah this player is clearly not here to RP. Thanks for the reports. Report accepted. Action taken: 49291 - Banned for G4.3 G1.1 G2.3 - Perm
  2. Bowen

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Whoops, forgot to move it
  3. Bowen

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Closed on request of the reporter. Glad you could sort it out!
  4. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Axis24 - GTA RP

    Here's a question for you, and please answer it by dming me either here or on discord, how much did you spend on these items and who was it from? Again, reply in DMs only please
  5. Bowen

    I believe its a bug bud, open a ticket and we will get it sorted

    I believe its a bug bud, open a ticket and we will get it sorted
  6. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Jaquavion carter - GTA RP

    So you waste volunteer staff's time firstly by them having to go through and issue compensation, you take advantage of our generosity and understanding when something like this happens, then you further waste their time by making them have to dig around logs rather than coming clean? Hows about...
  7. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Revoke - GTA RP

    4th perm ban now.... Tell me, why should we even entertain this? You clearly haven't learned from your past bans, why would this one be any different?
  8. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - LilPanda - GTA RP

    Ive just sat and read over you ban history. this is your 5th ban now. Most of your bans are for 2 things, power gaming and rdm, most of which are as a result of you getting the huff and throwing your toys out of your pram. I have no faith that you wont simply do this again, so the answer is no...
  9. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - JasonBarnes_Unban2 - GTA RP

    What actually makes you want to come back here? Do you still have friends here? 
  10. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Kieron Orion - Discord

    Welcome Back! Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord...
  11. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Kieron Orion - Discord

    Unbanned, please make sure that you use a secure password, perhaps consider a password manager. Cheers Unbanned
  12. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Eze - GTA RP

    Welcome Back! Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord...
  13. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Eze - GTA RP

    To put it simply, you get one more chance. You ban history is shocking and watching the video on the report that got you banned genuinely pissed me off. Where is the fun in that? It's just another example of the wannabe roadman attitude that far too many player have developed recently. It's up...
  14. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Hector Castellon - GTA RP

    The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord! Steam Group: RPUK Steam...
  15. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Axis24 - GTA RP

    You were part of what I consider theft. Our VOLUNTEER dev and staff team work around the clock, purely for the love of the community and yet people seek to profit off of their hard work. Why should we entertain this any further? How much did you spend IRL and what did you buy, just out of curiosity?
  16. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - dietcokedrinker - Community Banned

    In all honesty Lily, I cannot trust you. I spoke to you several times about reports of your age and you lied to me every time. Given the damage done by following certain kinds of RP while being underage, I simply cannot forgive and forget. Sorry but this door is firmly closed.  Denied
  17. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - _RYAN_SWOONEY_UNBAN - Community Banned

    Honestly, Im not sure why we are entertaining an unban from someone who takes time out of their day to lose their shit at our staff members, throws their toys out of their pram and posts racist memes on discord. No thanks. Denied. 
  18. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - JasonBarnes_Unban2 - GTA RP

    Question: Why a racist term? Couldn't you have got the same "snake test" effect from post "Bowen is a n**ce" or "Bowen interferes with donkeys" (I use my name but of course it could be any staff member)? Why go right for the racism? I've always found this mindset very difficult to understand. 
  19. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Stic - GTA RP

    Welcome Back! Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here. Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away. Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord...
  20. Bowen

    Unban Appeal - Stic - GTA RP

    Well, I appreciate your honesty at least.  Hopefully you now at least have an appreciation that your words can have impact on others. You haven't made the worst comments that I've seen, you are just the first one I've seen since this all calmed down.  I am under no delusion that this has made...