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  1. VikRambo

    GTA RP - Radio station plays constantly at earrape levels.

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Adam Watney Steam ID: 76561198056185169 Date: Sep 13, 2024 Time: 21:05 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Radio station plays constantly at earrape levels. Provide a full description of the bug: RPFM (I think) randomly came on whilst I was on the...
  2. VikRambo


    Massive +1. The only people who sell drugs now are people who don't know about the bin job. Make drug dealing great again.
  3. VikRambo

    Change Gusenberg Sweeper magazine size

    +1, maybe then it will get used more than a meme gun.
  4. VikRambo


  5. VikRambo

    Mechanic Upgrade

    Is that so? I just thought they wouldn't fit on a flatbed. If they can then sure. However 99 is MASSIVE so that defo won't fit.
  6. VikRambo

    Mechanic Upgrade

    1) +1 for sure, sounds dope. 99 and 71, water cannon and mrap and vans will still need to poof in but normal cars would be awesome. They should be the exact same as normal delivery cars, undriveable and unable to be lockpicked. 2) +1, make this a level 5 mechanic perk. However, I'm not sure if...
  7. VikRambo

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    Fair enough mate. I can't speak to what other people do or say, I can only say what I think and I think you went too far with it. Specifically because it wasn't a generic insult it was very targeted. It wasn't like you called me a retard once or anything it was you kept taking the piss out the...
  8. VikRambo


    Mate honestly I love getting kidnapped by the Occult or any interaction with them. Especially when they are in different characters like old people or golf enthusiasts or hiking community. The originality keeps it all very fresh.
  9. VikRambo

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    Hi, Apologies if I didn't make it clear in liason however I did not feel it was resolved as we kept going around in circles. My issue is that these things shouldn't be something that are brought up anyways and should not be made fun off. Especially makes comments about downsyndrome and such...
  10. VikRambo

    Report a player - Steve Stacy - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Adam Watney Reported Players: Steve Stacy Date: Aug 8, 2024 Time: 20:40 What best describes this incident: Bullying/Borderline OOC Abuse. Calling me a downy and making fun of the way I talk Please (in detail) describe the incident: I arrested Steve Stacy and...
  11. VikRambo

    Police Changes

    Yes I do apologise, it was someone else who brought up that non-lethals shouldn't be used in lethal situations. I'll take that back
  12. VikRambo

    Police Changes

    Since you've used me an example, I'll add this. CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT. You can't just use an evidence clip and then say this is bad RP. There is a reason why Ivan has not made a complaint or made this post. What you don't know is my cop has interacted with Ivan Kane and his group many times and...
  13. VikRambo

    Force walkstyle after cuffs

    Well damn don't I look silly now
  14. VikRambo

    Force walkstyle after cuffs

    Ok. Grab him and what? Can't leg restrain, he'll run again. Can't put him in, he'll run again. Shall I walk him to the PD whilst constantly holding him? Maybe get 4 cars and box him in and vehicle place him so he'll end up in 1 of the 4 cars. Stop using RP it out as a cheap out. This is a clear...
  15. VikRambo

    Force walkstyle after cuffs

    If you were meant to be able to jog away then changing your walk style while cuffed would not be restricted. It wouldn't be fair to the select few who don't use that walk or have a bind to quickly change it, it should be for everyone. Hence either everyone should be able to jog in cuffs or no...
  16. VikRambo

    Force walkstyle after cuffs

    After being cuffed, you should be forced walkstyle to casual or default. The silly quick walkstyle is stupid and abused to heavily. It is very difficult to put suspects into cars when they just quick jog away every time you unescort them when its just silly. Especially during high risk...
  17. VikRambo

    Father Frank, Ronnie Trapp, Etny Cooper, Billy Bubbles, Father Augustus

    Lads, Absolute pleasure for that RP today at the Church. I had no idea that Father Frank would be there at the church it just happened and it was absolutely fantastic. Ronald thank you for going with that RP, great sport I loved it. Thank you Billy for going against SOPs for the sake of RP and...
  18. VikRambo

    GTA RP - Stinger placement bug

    Yes happens more often than it actually working. And when it fails once it's fucked for the rest of the play session. You need to relog to try again and again more likely it'll fail than actually deeply. Please bring back old spikes. It was so reliable and more user friendly. This new method...
  19. VikRambo

    Changes to the death/down animation

    One of the main reasons the animation is done for development issues, ragdoll is client sided hence the death locations are sometimes very different for the injured vs the NHS for example. Yes it looks goofy but it's better than the alternative of just being somewhere completely different on...
  20. VikRambo

    Lore Friendly Weapons

    Is it me or the navy carbine and the tactical carbine are almost identical to basegame to the point where most people won't notice a difference? Others are decent tho.