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  1. Jet

    Report a player - 234 - Jet Shinoda - GTA RP

    Hello John! I did have a liaison where I apologized to Brinks and came out of it thinking we were all good? maybe you can speak with him? hopefully, he'll be able to give you a summary of what was said/agreed on, let me know if you still think this report is necessary once you have! From my...
  2. Jet

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Hey Kilo. Im not around tonight anymore but we can hop in a liason tommorow should be around for most of the day/evening
  3. Jet

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    To Mr ''Kilo'' Subject: report a player. CC: The staff team. I have taken note that you feel that an injustice took place in the Ballas clothing store, in return I hope to enlighten you on the situation at hand. As im sure you are aware, there is currently some conflict between our groups, if...
  4. Jet

    Bring back the 8pm restart

    +1 for 8pm. Now its kinda like its in waves of people coming from 6 pm but by the time it gets 8 most people that been on since 6 are probably doing something else by 8 and its kinda stuck in a loop like that so u keep missing eachother. Where if the restart is at 8 u have more people coming on...
  5. Jet

    Compensation Request - Jet - GTA RP

    Hey @Danoo Its  currently white as i changed it and i didn't know how long it was gonna take before i heard anything about the comp ! 
  6. Jet

    Compensation Request - Jet - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Jet Shinoda-Long Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198062499942 Character ID: 28437 The date when this happened: 10/25/23 The time when this happened: 21:15 Please provide full detail and evidence: Bought the new golden pearlescent for one of my cars a...
  7. Jet

    gang gang #notagang

    gang gang #notagang
  8. Jet


  9. Jet

    Helmet Armour Changes

  10. Jet

    Change dodgy doctor so there is 100% success rate when accepting

    Just because he is a "dogdy" doctor doesn't mean he isn't medically trained he is dodgy because he is standing somewhere in the middle of nowhere giving medical help thats what makes him dodgy. to your logical somtimes he can heal someone up thats fully shot or has difficult wounds but sometimes...
  11. Jet

    Change dodgy doctor so there is 100% success rate when accepting

    +1 nice suggestions ! mustve come from a great mind
  12. Jet


  13. Jet

    Ability to take off/put on gloves

    +1 Good idea sexy man 
  14. Jet


  15. Jet

    Male Clothing

    would be nice to see these in the server +1
  16. Jet

    Ever wanted that username...

    could i have @Jet https://www.roleplay.co.uk/profile/18546-jet/ hasn't been active since 2015
  17. Jet

    Judiciary to be given power of execution

    -1  No one should get there char deleted without any consent 
  18. Jet

    Racing/ Car Harness
