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Unban Appeal - JonnyD - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: John Donn
Steam ID: 76561199045642774
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16960
Ban Reason: breach of C1.2
Why do you think you were banned: I can personally admit that my ban was given for disrespectful and disruptive behaviour. I was acting up in front of friends, which at first started off quite light heartedly, cracking a quiet joke or two off, within the court room during an ongoing case. I stupidly escalated the matter further after being asked to leave by responding to the g6 officer that was dealing with me with a homophobic slur, by calling him a "faggot". I understand that this remark should not have been said and that I have breached a rule that shouldn't be broken by anyone, hence leading to having myself reported and banned for the offence in question.
Why should we unban you: Good Evening Staff.

I would like to start off with an apology. I want to apologise to whoever deals with my request. I am very grateful for the fact you're taking time out of your own to have to deal with a case with such nature, that could have been so easily avoided, had I just behaved with a bit of respect towards those in question rather than the way I did. So for that, I'm sorry.

I have had some time away to think and reflect on my actions, to which I fully understand and accept, my behaviour wasn't acceptable. I understand I crossed a line that I shouldn't have crossed, that being the difference of while this situation was ongoing, roleplaying a little bit of disruptive but keeping it respectful and within the rules would have been okay, as opposed to the way I dealt with it by breaking a rule and being so disrespectful.

I can be mature enough to accept that I've clearly made a mistake here, and that it won't happen again. I'm hoping to be given a chance, so that I can prove that I'm not just some immature, misbehaving, disrespectful individual but actually a mature, sensible player with a lot of commitment to wanting to stay active within this server/community. I'm pleading to not have to lose contact with a lot of friends within the server from my stupid actions of losing my temper that once. I can assure you I have learnt my lesson and know the severities of how such a stupid immature approach can land you in such a situation as that of what I am in right now. If there is any way possilbe of showing my remorse, to those in question, I am more than happy to oblige.

I can only but apologise to everyone that was affected, and seek forgiveness for a second chance to prove myself as a respectful member.

Thankyou for taking your time out to consider my request.

Jonny Donn.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Do you often use homophobic slurs towards people?
Good evening, Phoenix.

I can honestly say no I don't. It was a stupid heat of the moment slur that shouldn't have been said. I don't usually react in such a manner and it was out of character for myself. It's not the way I ever act which is why I feel so guilty having done so.

Thankyou for such a quick reply, Phoenix. Its appreciated.
One doesn't just randomly blurt out homophobia, racism, sexism or anything else of that nature. People make a conscious decision to say things like that, unless part of their normal vocabulary.

As such, I'm confused as to why you'd say it at all?
I can assure you Phoenix it's not in my nature to be that type of person that uses such a vulgar and disrespectful vocabulary. I'm a well mannered and respectful individual that just made a mistake. A mistake that won't happen again.
Good afternoon @JonnyD ! :)

I can assure you Phoenix it's not in my nature to be that type of person that uses such a vulgar and disrespectful vocabulary.
But you use this kind of vocabulary, so we've a very contradicting statement here.

If it was so easy to say the first time around as a "mistake", how can we ever trust this won't happen again?
Afternoon Danoo

You say "use" like it's been a regular thing, I "used" it once regrettably and learnt my lesson from doing so. I guess there's no way of trusting that it won't ever happen again other than me giving my word that it won't, and being given a chance to actually show that i'm not actually this person i've made myself out to be.
Why did you say the word at all?

You've been in this community since 2022, surely you'd know the rules by now? Were you angry at the situation?
@JonnyD Please respond soon or the appeal will be timed out.
Evening staff

Apologies for the late reply, I've been away for the weekend with family.

In answer to your question, Danoo, it was merely a slip of the tongue, heat of the moment accident that I've assured won't happen again.

Yes, I have been a part of this community since 2022 but I also had a very lengthy break from playing, returning just before Christmas last year at some point. I do know the rules, yes. I have stated previously that I fully understand/accept that I have broken a rule here that shouldn't be broken. I am merely asking for for a chance to be excused to prove that I am not this shallow, narrow minded homophobe that I've made myself out to be previously. I want to keep developing further friendships within this community, not the opposite.
Afternoon staff :) hope y'all are well.

Just a quick post to see if all's good as it's been over a week now since any correspondence. I am not in any way trying to rush you guys at all as I can appreciate and respect the work you guys do, just simply curious as to what's going on.

Hello there @JonnyD

Unban appeals are the lowest priority for staff and can take a long time. Bumping an appeal does come with a 3 day cooldown, however, since I am going through appeals today anyway and I have seen everything I need too from you, I will ignore the bump and cut straight to the chase.

Looking through your record, you´ve been keeping out of trouble for the most part so far. I am willing to see this as a slip of the tongue and give you another chance, however, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again and anything to with discrimination or OOC abuse will come with a 6 month cooldown as well. Keep that in mind and don´t mess it up.
