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Zunkolll's latest activity

  • Zunkolll
    Zunkolll posted the thread Bin searching/ binman in GTARP.
    This Suggestion can go 2 way. 1st way: Bin searching most bins on the map can be searched by using the alt eye and doing the same as...
  • Zunkolll
    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Billy Bubbles Reported Players: 1009/ 1011 Date: May 9, 2024 Time: 03:05 What best describes...
  • Zunkolll
    Zunkolll replied to the thread Mohammed Habibi - Paramedic.
    Yea the interview was class how 2 solicitors walked out on you cause the mad story’s you created
  • Zunkolll
    Zunkolll replied to the thread Mohammed Habibi - Paramedic.
    Gotta say even though your a cunt to my character (Bubbles) your rp is top quality too the way you play different personalities is...