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Recent content by Thud

  1. Thud

    Report a player - 305 name unknown - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Darren Ocean Reported Players: 305 name unknown Date: May 26, 2024 Time: 17:10 What best describes this incident: NLR, RVDM and Talking OOC Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was hanging around at Tequi-la-la and doing the usual taxing and dealing...
  2. Thud

    Compensation Request - Thud - GTA RP

    Character Name: Darren Ocean Character ID: 473170 Steam ID: 76561198053717218 Game: GTA RP Date: May 26, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: I modified my taxi and chose the "Limo" window tint. I was charged for the tint but did not receive the modification. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  3. Thud

    [IMG] serious business

    serious business
  4. Thud

    Boris Bike sent me to the Doghouse

    One time thing, I think its more likely I was fat finger tp'd by an invisible staff member that mistakenly pulled me but when I opened a ticket to ask I was told to put up a bug report.
  5. Thud

    WL Groups special crafting

    Most firearms recovered from gang members in the UK after firearms arrests are pre ww2 revolvers and shotguns that may have been heirlooms, may have been stolen off a legal owner before being sold off into the black market. I propose allowing gangs to craft muskets, but not the ammo. They could...
  6. Thud

    Robbery Rule Change + Respawn with items

    I do agree with the argument that if you respawn you should be at a new start, and its a fair point to make. On other servers this is generally RP'd around as if when you "die" you don't die for real but have a critical injury, get saved by locals and therefore brought to a doctor with your...
  7. Thud

    Robbery Rule Change + Respawn with items

    Yeah I agree, I would hope that with enough reports and people seeing that losing isn't the end, the meta would shift to go with the flow more.
  8. Thud

    Robbery Rule Change + Respawn with items

    Yep, I see that too. I think having dodgy doctors allow for this to be resolved in character, but I get it can be tricky if police turn up fast - at least in that instance they would likely be searched and lose their weapons to police anyway.
  9. Thud

    Robbery Rule Change + Respawn with items

    Gonna be a controversial one this but I've seen it in practice on many major, successful RP communities in FiveM and RedM. It works. My suggestion is simple, but the effect is massive on the collective mindset of the playerbase and people's approach to RP. Brief Summary: First off the rule...
  10. Thud


    I would argue it’s better RP to be as unrecognisable as possible while out on the rob or murdering someone… never have I ever seen a group of same coloured power rangers as a gang in the UK. war RP is a stretch to begin with but forcing outfits would swing it too far towards TDM in my opinion
  11. Thud


    Sounds like a suggestion from a frag server. Where is the roleplay in having red vs blue? -1
  12. Thud

    Import Replacements Suggestions / Vanilla Like Cars

    Ubermacht Cypher Hatchback - BMW M135 Weeny Issi Jolly - Classic Mini Übermacht Oracle V12  - Old BMW 7 Series (would be new to server) Declasse Moonbeam - Ford E150 Middle Class Heroes DLC -  Includes versions of fiat/abarth 500, old honda civic
  13. Thud

    A way to manage the removal of all import cars

    Hello, in light of cfx's recent announcement regarding the use of real world brand's intellectual property it seems inevitable that all import cars will have to be removed from the server. I propose a way that this can be executed and explained within RP - in a manner that is not too...
  14. Thud

    Fish & Chips - A significant cultural meal in the UK missing from RPUK

    great suggestion and the systems for gathering/crafting the ingredients are exactly the type of thing the server needs +1
  15. Thud

    🍔 Up-n-Atom Grand Opening in West Vinewood 🍔

    Can't wait to negotiate a hostage's life for a fresh pounder burger. Do you guys deliver to the bank vault? Asking for a friend. 