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Recent content by SK

  1. SK

    Discord Ban

    @Ricky87 I'll try and arrange your interview tomorrow
  2. SK

    Discord Ban

    Thanks for the clarification, I shall do Phoenix proud whilst unable to communicate via discord!
  3. SK

    Discord Ban

    Hey Staff, If I am banned from all RPUK discords, can I still do NHS interviews on teamspeak? Thanks
  4. SK

    Removing certain walk styles.

  5. SK

    Hello @DanooJust wanted to say I understand staff decision is final and I respect your decision 

    Hello @DanooJust wanted to say I understand staff decision is final and I respect your decision 
  6. SK

    Report a player - 1026 - GTA RP

    Sorry Pal unfortunately you've already decided my fate and made myself aware that regardless of my actions I will ultimately die. So if you've broken rules in this scenario am I not well within my rights to point them out? if that's what you're saying then I think that's quite a ridiculous...
  7. SK

    Report a player - 1026 - GTA RP

    Hey its me again 🙂  I've noticed I've missed a few extra details that I will be adding on so apologies on my behalf. 3:36 Part 2   https://youtu.be/63cU7lqq63U?t=216 I would also like to add that I was not given a single ounce of roleplay throughout this whole situation specifically the...
  8. SK

    Report a player - 1026 - GTA RP

    This seems like the typical demon hours robbing group who just want loot/fights rather than roleplay, its a shame you guys didnt enjoy my victim roleplay and as soon as I saw your messages in local OOC I then began to just drop everything at once so all parties would have an enjoyable...
  9. SK


    uihgdsoifa Oops just dropped my fully iced out diamond encrusted AP  on my laptop haha experiencing a lot of turbulence on my private jet as I am about to land in Monaco but to answer your question you can indeed use a laptop infact I do have a few extra seats if you wanna come duo up 
  10. SK


    +1  Really dislike the win mentality and you could argue its being a smarter crim not being in colours but its roleplay at the end of the day, gangs proudly represent themselves and its values by wearing those colours.  You wear colours not to hide from police but to represent who you are...
  11. SK

    /me waits at airport 

    /me waits at airport 
  12. SK


  13. SK

    The Apostles | Screenshots | Videos

  14. SK

    Mining/Smelting Bag
