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Recent content by sjc9014

  1. sjc9014

    Unban Appeal - sjc9014 - GTA RP

    Thanks for your reply. From the outset my character has been a bit of an oddball frequently having humorous interactions with citizens and known for his street fighting talents and one liners. My initial goal was to become known to all gangs and businesses in the city, liase have fun and build a...
  2. sjc9014

    Unban Appeal - sjc9014 - GTA RP

    Hey John. Gear comes and goes, sometimes I can definitely feel too protective or invested in it but it really does just come and go and that's the nature of it wether I like it or not. Quality RP matters more than any gear does though and on this occasion I let myself and others down by not...
  3. sjc9014

    Unban Appeal - sjc9014 - GTA RP

    Thanks for taking the time to get back to me. All is well on my end and I hope it is on yours also. Everything happened very quickly. Upon review, you will undoubtedly see me pull my phone out a second before I approach the door which is when I received the prompt to pass my stuff over. And to...
  4. sjc9014

    Unban Appeal - sjc9014 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Billy Gonzalez Steam ID: 76561199507774090 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16935 Ban Reason: C2.2 Why do you think you were banned: It was explained to me in game by gods that the reason for my ban was passing items to a friend who was in proximity to me but behind...